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The external challenges of the EU: what strategies?

This synthesis by Nicole Koenig summarises key points raised during the debate of our 2014 European Steering Committee on the Union’s external challenges and potential strategies to address them.

| 26/02/2015

On 13 December 2014, the European Steering Committee of the Jacques Delors Institute discussed the Union’s external challenges and potential strategies to address them.

This synthesis by Nicole Koenig summarises key points raised during the first debate, including potential ways forward and topics for further debate.

After words of welcome by António Vitorino, President of the Jacques Delors Institute, the discussion was introduced by Javier Solana, former High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and Elisabeth Guigou, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly.

The ensuing debate revolved around three core issues:
1. Europe’s troubled periphery and the need to revise the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP);
2. the Ukrainian crisis and future relations with Russia;
3. avenues for a broader strategic overhaul.

The synthesis of the debate on political and economic issues is also available on our website.