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The refugee crisis: A European call for action
This Open letter by the conveners of the Vision Europe initiative calls European leaders to implement common European solutions to the refugee crisis in order to effectively reduce the growing human suffering and social and political turmoil.
| 18/03/2016
The leaders of the seven think tanks and foundations that are involved in the Vision Europe initiative have addressed an open letter to the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission and to the Prime Ministers of the 28 EU member states to stress the need to act in unity at the European level as a matter of urgency.
The Jacques Delors Institute takes part to the Vision Europe project, a consortium of think tanks and foundations collaborating to address some of the most pressing public policy challenges facing Europe. Through research, publications and an annual summit, we aim to be a forum for debate and a source of recommendations to improve evidence-based policy-making at both a national and EU level and to foster as appropriate European integration. In 2015 we commonly worked on “The Future of the Welfare State”; for the year 2016, the Vision Europe initiative will developing innovative policy recommendations on how to improve the response to the crisis of migrants and refugees in Europe.
Vision Europe other participating organizations are:
– Bertelsmann Stiftung (Germany)
– Bruegel (Belgium)
– Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Portugal)
– Chatham House (UK)
– Compagnia di San Paolo (Italy)
– The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra (Finland).
Articles directly inspired by this declaration have already been published in the European press by the following title : Euractiv.com, Policy Review, Huffington Post (France), Publico (Portugal), Expresso (Portugal), Observador (Portugal), Açoriano Oriental (Portugal), and DN (Portugal).
For more information about the project please refer to www.vision-europe-summit.eu and follow the twitter hashtag #VisionEurope.
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Euroquestions | Relance et puissance : mots d’ordre de la rentrée européenne

Des réponses européennes
à l’asile et aux migrations

Paris, 17 May 2019 – Académie Notre Europe : Europe and migrations

Paris, 16 April 2019 – Think migration and development together

Paris, 12 February 2019 – Eurociné: Screening-debate of the movie DJAM

Brussels, 28 January 2019 – Presentation of the Jacques Delors Institute’s report on migrations

Pantin, 6 October 2018 – Can the European Union better manage the migration flow?

Namur, 21 September 2018 – Migration policy and EU: which policy for Common good?

Paris, 8 February 2018 – Eurociné: “School of Babel”