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The struggle against islamist terrorism: Franco-German and European responses
This Synthesis by Yves Bertoncini tries to present the main analyses and guidelines resulting from the round table on struggling against islamist terrorism, within the Think Tanks Tandem initiative, on 809 July 2016.
The first round table addressed the issue of migration policy, while the second round table was devoted to the struggle against Islamist terrorism. This second round table was introduced by Kristina Eichhorst, crisis and conflict management coordinator with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and by Yves Bertoncini, director of the Jacques Delors Institute, and began with an address from Gilles de Kerchove, EU coordinator for the struggle against terrorism.
Numerous German and French speakers intervened: this Synthesis by Yves Bertoncini (also available in href=”https://www.institutdelors.eu/media/luttecontreterrorismeislamiste-bertoncini-ijd-oct16.pdf?pdf=ok” target=”” >French and href=”https://www.institutdelors.eu/media/terrorismusbekaempfung-bertoncini-jdib-okt16.pdf?pdf=ok” target=”_blank” >German) endeavours to present the main analyses and guidelines resulting from the exchange of French and German views, identifying the points both of divergence and of convergence that emerged.
The Synthesis of the first round table on migration and asylum policy, written by Nicole Koenig, is also available.
Joschka Fischer, former German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs and former German Vice-Chancellor, was the keynotespeaker of the dinner on “Europe after the British referendum”. His speech is available on our SoundCloud channel.
The second session of the Think Tanks Tandem initiative was held on 2122 October 2016, at the Stifgung Gensagen, near Berlin.