
Think Global – Act European IV – Thinking Strategically about the EU’s External Action

16 European think tanks present their recommendations on a global strategy for the EU’s External Action.

The Jacques Delors Institute has transformed its project Think Global – Act European (TGAE), launched in 2008 and which today mobilises 16 european think tanks, into the heart of a broader reflection concerning the instruments of the EU’s external action service.


                                                                                         Previous Editions >>


                                                                                         Presentation of the Project >>

                                                                                         The 16 participating Think Tanks >>




The report was presented on the 15th May 2013 in Brussels at the Hotel Silken Berlaymont with the participation, notably of, Pascal Lamy, Director General of the WTO, Jean-Yves Le Drian, French Minister for Defence, David O’Sullivan,Chief Operating Officer, EEAS…





Please find attached the event’s programme and the synthesis of the debate.


Jean-Yves Le Drian’s speech: ‘Europe of Defence: A pragmatic approach’ 


Pascal Lamy’s speech: ‘Engaging with middle and global players’





The Jacques Delors Institute further presents its TGAE IV report in various Member State capitals:



Madrid on the 10th of June in partnership with Real Instituto Elcano,

Berlin on the 1st of July in partnership with SWP,

Paris on the 4th of July in partnership with the EU Institute on Security Studies



The 5 Working Groups:

How can Europeans promote their economic interest at the global level?
[seminar synthesis]                                  [series of policy papers]

What are the EU external strategies for resources and sustainable development?
[seminar synthesis]                                 [series of policy papers]

How can Europeans address their demographic challenge through a comprehensive migration strategy? [seminar synthesis]                                [series of policy papers]

How to make out of the EU’s vicinity an opportunity for the EU itself?
[seminar synthesis]                               [series of policy papers]

How can Europeans be considered seriously with lower hard security capacities?
[seminar synthesis]                              [series of policy papers]

Previous Editions>>

  Think Global – Act European III (June 2011) >>

  Think Global – Act European II (March 2010) >>

  Think Global – Act European I (May 2008) >>


Contact: Elvire Fabry, Chercheur Senior, Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors,


                                                  The project is led with the support of