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Welfare state sustainability: resetting EU migration strategy?
Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute presents the synthesis of the fifth seminar of the project Think Global – Act European IV which took place, in partnership with EPC on the 30th October 2012 in Brussels.
This brief synthesis regroups salient points of the discussions, before the publication of a series of policy papers in January 2013 and the final report “Thinking Strategically about the EU’sExternal Action”, directed by Elvire Fabry, in March 2013.

H. Martens Y. Pascouau
The debate was shaped by the contributions of the following experts:
· Sergio Carrera, Head of the Justice and Home Affairs Section, CEPS
· Leonhard Den Hertog, Marie Curie PhD Fellow, Universities of Cologne & Edinburgh, for CEPS
· Andreas Ette,Senior Researcher, German Federal Institute for Population Research
· Elvire Fabry, Senior Research Fellow, director of the Think Global – Act European project, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute
· Carmen Gonzalez Enriquez, Senior Analyst, Elcano Roal Institute
· Ruby Gropas, Research Fellow, ELIAMEP
· Thanos Maroukis, Research Fellow, ELIAMEP
· Hans Martens,Chief Executive Officer, European Policy Centre
· Roderick Parkes, Head of EU programme, PISM, for SWP
· Joanna Parkin, Researcher, CEPS
· Yves Pascouau, Head of Programme Migration and Diversity, EPC
· Alicia Sorroza, Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute
· Anna Triandafyllidou, Senior Fellow, ELIAMEP

The programme is led with the support of the
For a Europeanisation of the sinews of war

Defence 25: thinking outside the box

The European Union and the defence industry

Sovereignty, did you say sovereignty?

Securing the Baltic

A Rampart of Drones to Defend Europe

Turbo-charging the EU’s defence industry and security posture

Promoting peace is not the same as fighting war

European defence Part 2 : Industries

Arsenal Europe, Financing Military Capabilities for Ukraine and EU Member States

European defence Part 1 : budgets

[FR] Faced with the Russian threat, which budgets for which defence?

A new world order?

What security guarantees can the EU provide to Ukraine?

Victory, but what kind?

Whose leadership will emerge from the new European geopolitical situation?

Cyberattacks in Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine

Which European defence policy?

Strategic Compass: industry or power?

European cybersecurity and data privacy:
Threats and prospects

Le covid-19 remet-il en cause l’Europe de la défense ?

L’armée européenne, y penser ?

Les Ateliers de la Citadelle

Brexit: potential scenarios amid turbulent waters

The EU’s Four Strategic Challenges

A European Defence Union: In the name of the people?

European Integration via Flexibility Tools: The Cases of EPPO and PESCO

Strengthening European Defence: who sits at the PESCO table, what’s on the menu?

The EU as a 3-D Power: Should Europe Spend More on Diplomacy, Development and Defence?

Brexit and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

France and Germany: Spearheading a European Security and Defence Union?

Europe Facing the Challenge of Its Defence: Between Realism and Responsibility

Enrico Letta about the main issues of the June 2017 EU Council

The Awakening

“Europeans’ fate is in their hands”

Strengthening European collective security

For an ambitious Europe

Building the future of the EU: our generation’s duty

Taking the European Neighbourhood Policy beyond the conception-performance gap

The European neighbourhood and the EU’s security of supply with natural gas

What European security and defence policy do we need?

European Defence Cooperation : speak the truth, act now

On asylum and the euro: displaying solidarity is in our own interest

Neighbourhood policy: more or no more?

A catalyst role for the Union

The external challenges of the EU: what strategies?

“Schengen”, terrorism and security

The EU needs a fresh boost… Fast!

Resetting EU external action: potential and constraints

A new road map for the EU

Defence without Europe?

Defenceless Europe?

Why we should believe in European defence

A dual horizon: emerging from the crisis and addressing international challenges

Should European defence be scrapped?

European security after Libya and Ukraine: in search of a core leadership

Engaging Europe in the world

Europeans and the use of force

Put to the test: the Eastern Partnership and the EU

Foreign Policy and External Actions : an “unsurpassable horizon” for the EU?

Think Global – Act European IV. Thinking Strategically about the EU’s External Action

What borders for the EU: a variable geometry neighborhood?

Looking for an ambitious European Migration strategy

EU External Action: Time for a Strategic Rebound

“Europe” and its “enlargements”: enough… or do we want more?

Europe of Defence: A pragmatic approach

Engaging with middle and global players

Think Global – Act European IV – Thinking Strategically about the EU’s External Action

Defence: The French ambition for Europe

EU-Mediterranean relations in the field of agriculture. The example of Morocco and Turkey

European budget 2014-2020: seven years of bad luck?

How can the EU promote its economic interests with China?

Towards a Transatlantic Market?

Europe’s Trade Strategy: Promise or Peril?

Strengthening EU presence in global financial regulation reform

Towards a common external representation for the eurozone ?

The role of gas in the external dimension of the EU energy transition

Saving emissions trading from irrelevance

Promoting low-carbon energies in the Mediterranean Partner Countries

Meeting Europe’s resource challenge within and beyond EU borders

An external strategy for European agriculture

Migration: a neglected challenge for saving the European welfare state

The EU performance in the global competition for highly-skilled migrants

The migration-development nexus: time for a paradigm shift

Mobility Partnerships: a convincing tool for the EU’s global approach to migration?

EU Migration policy after the Arab Spring: The pitfalls of Home Affairs Diplomacy

The Missing Spring in the EU’s Mediterranean Policies

Potential and limits of EU policies in the neighbourhood

The EU neighbourhood competence under Article 8 TEU

The EU and Turkey in the Southern Neighbourhood: a new opening?

The EU in the East: too ambitious in rhetoric, too unfocused in action

Will Europeans ever agree on the use of military force?

How to maintain hard capabilities in times of budget cuts?

Strategic Priorities for EU Defence Policy

The European Defence Industry’s Future: How European?

Where does CSDP fit in EU foreign policy?

Desperately looking for more EU-Turkey geo-political and geo-economic cooperation

Promoting EU economic interests abroad

EU defence capacities: maintaining credibility?

The EU’s neighbourhood as an opportunity?

EU resource management: time for coherence

Visas and Schengen Code: Towards a win-win cooperation between the EU and its neighbours?

EU governance under the stress test of emerging economies

Trade Policy in the EU’s Neighbourhood. Ways forward for the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements

After the Revolution: The EU and the Arab Transition

The EU, its Neighbours and its Borders

Europe abroad : twenty years after Maastricht, is there anybody there ?

The EU and the Arab Spring: a vision for our neighbours

European Union’s response to the Arab Spring: Building a true pole of influence with all our neighbours

The EU and the world: sink or swim

Baltic Sea, Danube and macro-regional strategies: a model for transnational cooperation in the EU?

Defence spending in Europe: Can we do better without spending more?

Reforming the CAP Budget – A Perfect Test for the EU

Regional Integration in the Mediterranean: Moving out of the Deadlock?

Think Global – Act European I (TGAE I). The contribution of 13 European Think Tanks to the French, Czech and Swedish EU Trio Presidency.

The French Presidency of the EU Council

Kosovo after 10 December 2007: What’s at stake for the European Union

Considerations on the Iraq Crise and the Effects on the Foreign Policy Common to the day before of an announced War

Trans-European Cooperation, a Template for the New Europe

A driving force despite everything, Franco-German relations and the Enlarged European Union

The world is the stage: a global security strategy for the European Union