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What balance between austerity and growth in the euro zone?

Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute publishes the synthesis of the round table entitled “What balance between austerity and growth in the euro zone?” organised during the annual meeting of its European Steering Committee on 24 November 2012.

Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute publishes the synthesis of the round table entitled “What balance between austerity and growth in the euro zone?” organised during the annual meeting of its European Steering Committee on 24 November 2012.

Taking its cue from an introductory speech by former Greek Minister and EU commissioner Anna Diamantopoulou and by former Finnish Prime Minister Paavo Lipponen, the debate began with an overview of the euro zone’s situation today and of the lessons to be learned from the way in which the crisis has been managed over the past three years. Following this diagnosis, several proposals were formulated for restoring financial stability within the euro zone and for imparting a fresh boost to Europe’s economies, especially to the economies of countries currently benefiting from financial assistance. And lastly, the participants viewed two instances of successful economic recovery, namely Finland and Latvia.

View summaries of other debates of European Steering Committee