Florent Parmentier is Secretary General of CEVIPOF – Sciences Po and associate researcher at HEC Paris. PhD in political science, he teaches strategic foresight, public affairs and European issues at Sciences Po and at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University of Rabat.
He is the author of several books and is co-direct of the Eurasia Prospective website with Cyrille Bret.
He is an associate researcher for Neighborhood Policy and Eastern Partnership at the Jacques Delors Institute, attached to the Greater Europe Center.
Transnistria, in the shadow of the war in Ukraine
15/05/2024 | Florent Parmentier |
Moldova and the war
Blog post
27/04/2022 | Florent Parmentier |
EU – Russia: beyond rivalries?
Policy Paper
07/07/2016 | Cyrille Bret | Florent Parmentier |
Put to the test: the Eastern Partnership and the EU
Policy Paper
27/11/2013 | Florent Parmentier |
Ukraine : Poutine a-t-il déjà gagné la guerre ?
07/03/2025 | Florent Parmentier |
« Relancer le concours de chansons Intervision en Russie est un acte beaucoup moins anecdotique qu’il n’y paraît »
14/02/2025 | Cyrille Bret | Florent Parmentier |
Comment la Russie enrôle de gré, mais également de force des Africains pour combattre en Ukraine
16/01/2025 | Florent Parmentier |
La Russie est-elle en train de perdre son influence ?
12/12/2024 | Florent Parmentier |
Europe: une France en perte de vitesse
13/11/2024 | Florent Parmentier |
Élection en Moldavie : l’avenir du pays en question
19/10/2024 | Florent Parmentier |