Karin joined the Energy Centre at the Jacques Delors Institute as a Research Fellow in European Energy Policy in August 2021.
She previously worked for the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions in Brussels, particularly monitoring the development of the European Green Deal, and for the Climate and Energy Division at a Swedish municipality within an EU-funded energy efficiency project. Additionally, she has experience from the NGO-sector, working with organisations in India and Sweden, particularly focused on participatory, just, and sustainable local transitions.
Karin is a social scientist fostered in interdisciplinary environmental research at Stockholm University. She holds a MSc in Human Geography with Environmental Social Sciences (2019). Her working languages are English, Swedish and French
Sufficiency: Wellbeing for all within planetary boundaries

Energy Citizenship: A Holistic Vision for Citizen Engagement in the European Energy Transition

National Policy Measures and Best Practices for Citizen Engagement in the Energy Transition

Enhancing Energy Citizenship through Business and Social Innovation Models

Empowering Collective Energy Citizenship for a Sustainable and Democratic European Energy Transition

The European Green Deal in the face of rising radical right-wing populism

Europe’s social democratic parties are struggling to offer an alternative Green Deal vision

Missing: A Socialist Green Deal vision

EU-Wahlen: Europas Grüne kämpfen gegen die Krise

Agriculteurs, Ukraine, écologie… L’Union européenne navigue à vue

Face à l’opposition à la transition verte dans l’UE, l’Institut Jacques Delors prône une approche axée sur la confiance et le dialogue

Face à « l’instrumentalisation » du Green Deal par les droites radicales, l’institut Jacques-Delors mise sur le social

Le Danemark prêt à une coalition gouvernementale d’un genre nouveau

Suède : Comment l’extrême droite est devenue leader de la droite

Le réseau électrique, maillon faible de l’économie suédoise

Fonds social pour le climat, l’Institut Jacques Delors publie ses recommandations