External contributor

Sébastien Guigner

Researcher at Centre of Research on Political Action in Europe (CNRS-Sciences Po Rennes-University of Rennes 1)

Sébastien Guigner co-leads the research

team on « Territorial governance and comparative analysis of public policies » of

the Centre of Research on Political Action in Europe (CNRS-Sciences Po

Rennes-University of Rennes 1).

He holds a PhD in political science, and is the

author of a doctoral dissertation on the institutionalisation of the European

space of health.

His researches focus on the health field

and deal with EU policies and policy-making, co-operation between the EU and

international organisations, EU domestic impact, and transfrontier


He principally taught at the Rennes

Political Studies Institute (Sciences Po Rennes) (2001-08), where he notably

ran a seminar dedicated to European integration analysis. He teaches is

speciality, « the Europe of health », at the French School of Public Health


In the framework of his researches, he

did an internship (2002-03) at the European Commission, Directorate General for

Health and Consumers, where he mainly worked on the revision of the International

Health Regulations.

Sébastien Guigner was

born in France in 1977.