Thorniké GORDADZE is a Franco-Georgian academic and researcher. From 2010 to 2012 he was the State Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Republic of Georgia. He has been the Chief Negotiator for Georgia on the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) negotiations with the EU (2010-2012).
From 2014 to 2020 he was the head of the Research and Studies Department at the Institute for Higher National Defense Studies in Paris, France (2014-2019). He was a Senior Fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) (2021-2022).
Currently he teaches at the Paris Institute of Political Studies (SciencesPo), and Eastern neighbourhood and Black Sea program fellow at Jacques Delors Institute. Thornike Gordadze holds PhD in Political Science (2005) from Paris SciencesPo.
En Géorgie, « la pression monte sur le parti prorusse Rêve géorgien »

Géorgie, Serbie… ces démocraties en danger

Nouvelle étape dans la crise politique en Géorgie : le pays a-t-il deux présidents ?