
Bruxelles, 31 août 2012 – Le controle démocratique dans les Etats membres du Conseil européen et des sommets de la zone euro

| 29/08/2012 | |
Séminaire |

TEPSA and Notre Europe won the tender voiced by the Policy Department Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the European Parliament to elaborate a study on the Democratic Control in the Member states of the European Council and the Euro Zone Summits. The project entitled “NPEC – National Parliaments and the European Council” is led by Professor Wessels on behalf of TEPSA together with Professor Rozenberg at Notre Europe, Paris.



Yves Bertoncini, Secrétaire général, Renaud Dehousse,

Conseiller scientifique, and Valentin Kreilinger, Assistant de recherche à

Notre Europe participent à l’atelier-workshop “Les parlements nationaux

et le Conseil européen” organisé en partenariat avec le Trans European Policy

Studies Association (TEPSA) qui aura lieu à la Représentation du Land

Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie à Bruxelles le 31 août 2012. Le projet est dirigé

par Olivier Rozenberg (Sciences Po Paris) et Wolfgang Wessels (Université de


TEPSA and Notre Europe won the tender voiced by the Policy Department

Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the European Parliament

to elaborate a study on the Democratic Control in the Member states of

the European Council and the Euro Zone Summits. The project entitled

“NPEC – National Parliaments and the European Council” is led by

Professor Wessels on behalf of TEPSA together with Professor Rozenberg

at Notre Europe, Paris.

1) 10:30 Welcome from the Representation of the State North-Rhine Westfalia

2) 10:35 Session 1. Introduction

– Introduction by Wolfgang Wessels and Olivier Rozenberg

– Synthesis of the questionnaires by Claudia Hefftler and Valentin Kreilinger

3) 11:30 Session 2. The state of the relationship between National Parliaments and the European Council/ Euro zone summits (Chair: Wolfgang Wessels)

– Mette Buskjær Christensen, Denmark

– Valentin Kreilinger and Olivier Rozenberg, France

– Claudia Hefftler, Germany

– Kostas Iliopoulos, Greece

– Gavin Barrett, Ireland

– Michele Comelli, Italy

– Iona Ebben, Netherlands

– Anna Jedrzejewska, Poland

– Davor Janvic, Portugal

– Andrea Figulova, Slovakia

– Julie Smith, United Kingdom

Discussants: Yves Bertoncini, Renaud Dehousse, Jean-Paul Jacqué, Michael Shackleton

4) 13:00 Sandwich lunch break

5) 13:30 Session 3. Recommendations for future development (Chair: Olivier Rozenberg)

– Presentation of the recent developments and the emerging legal provisions regarding parliamentary control by Jean-Paul Jacqué

– Mette Buskjær Christensen, Denmark

– Valentin Kreilinger and Olivier Rozenberg, France

– Claudia Hefftler, Germany

– Kostas Iliopoulos, Greece

– Gavin Barrett, Ireland

– Michele Comelli, Italy

– Iona Ebben, Netherlands

– Anna Jedrzejewska, Poland

– Davor Janvic, Portugal

– Andrea Figulova, Slovakia

– Julie Smith, United Kingdom

Discussants: Yves Bertoncini, Renaud Dehousse, Jean-Paul Jacqué, Michael Shackleton

6) 15:00 Coffee break

7) 15:15 Session 4. Final roundtable

– Collective brainstorming on policy recommendations

End at 16:30

Yves Bertoncini, Secrétaire général, Renaud Dehousse,

Conseiller scientifique, and Valentin Kreilinger, Assistant de recherche à

Notre Europe participent à l’atelier-workshop “Les parlements nationaux

et le Conseil européen” organisé en partenariat avec le Trans European Policy

Studies Association (TEPSA) qui aura lieu à la Représentation du Land

Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie à Bruxelles le 31 août 2012. Le projet est dirigé

par Olivier Rozenberg (Sciences Po Paris) et Wolfgang Wessels (Université de


TEPSA and Notre Europe won the tender voiced by the Policy Department

Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the European Parliament

to elaborate a study on the Democratic Control in the Member states of

the European Council and the Euro Zone Summits. The project entitled

“NPEC – National Parliaments and the European Council” is led by

Professor Wessels on behalf of TEPSA together with Professor Rozenberg

at Notre Europe, Paris.

1) 10:30 Welcome from the Representation of the State North-Rhine Westfalia

2) 10:35 Session 1. Introduction

– Introduction by Wolfgang Wessels and Olivier Rozenberg

– Synthesis of the questionnaires by Claudia Hefftler and Valentin Kreilinger

3) 11:30 Session 2. The state of the relationship between National Parliaments and the European Council/ Euro zone summits (Chair: Wolfgang Wessels)

– Mette Buskjær Christensen, Denmark

– Valentin Kreilinger and Olivier Rozenberg, France

– Claudia Hefftler, Germany

– Kostas Iliopoulos, Greece

– Gavin Barrett, Ireland

– Michele Comelli, Italy

– Iona Ebben, Netherlands

– Anna Jedrzejewska, Poland

– Davor Janvic, Portugal

– Andrea Figulova, Slovakia

– Julie Smith, United Kingdom

Discussants: Yves Bertoncini, Renaud Dehousse, Jean-Paul Jacqué, Michael Shackleton

4) 13:00 Sandwich lunch break

5) 13:30 Session 3. Recommendations for future development (Chair: Olivier Rozenberg)

– Presentation of the recent developments and the emerging legal provisions regarding parliamentary control by Jean-Paul Jacqué

– Mette Buskjær Christensen, Denmark

– Valentin Kreilinger and Olivier Rozenberg, France

– Claudia Hefftler, Germany

– Kostas Iliopoulos, Greece

– Gavin Barrett, Ireland

– Michele Comelli, Italy

– Iona Ebben, Netherlands

– Anna Jedrzejewska, Poland

– Davor Janvic, Portugal

– Andrea Figulova, Slovakia

– Julie Smith, United Kingdom

Discussants: Yves Bertoncini, Renaud Dehousse, Jean-Paul Jacqué, Michael Shackleton

6) 15:00 Coffee break

7) 15:15 Session 4. Final roundtable

– Collective brainstorming on policy recommendations

End at 16:30