
Facebook Live, 3 May 2017 – Yves Bertoncini @LaCroix debate on the french presidential election

| 03/05/2017 | |

Yves Bertoncini, our President, and Philippe Segretain, Administrator of the Social Weeks of France are interviewed by Jean-Christophe Ploquin, editor-in-chief of the french newspaper La Croix on the debate entitled "présidentielle : le vote du second tour est-il un vote pour ou contre l'Europe ?"



Yves Bertoncini, our President, and Philippe Segretain, Administrator of the Social Weeks of France are interviewed by Jean-Christophe Ploquin, editor-in-chief of the french newspaper La Croix on the debate entitled “Présidentielle : le vote du second tour est-il un vote pour ou contre l’Europe ?”

Yves Bertoncini, our President, and Philippe Segretain, Administrator of the Social Weeks of France are interviewed by Jean-Christophe Ploquin, editor-in-chief of the french newspaper La Croix on the debate entitled “Présidentielle : le vote du second tour est-il un vote pour ou contre l’Europe ?”
