
Webinar | What financial architecture for the EU to face the economic, security and environmental challenges of the 21st century? [EN]

| 14/07/2022 | 14:00 > 15:30 |



The CEPS RRF Monitor is an own initiative that follows and analysis the EU’s response to the economic impacts to the covid crisis. However, due to the increasing number of the shocks the EU is facing, particularly in the areas of energy and security due to the war in Ukraine, there is a need to explore the wider question if the EU does not need new instruments and maybe a more systematic system to respond to events.

In this webinar we have the pleasure to have speakers placed at the forefront of policy making and policy analysis to give their views and insights.

Damian Boeselager, member of the European Parliament will present his work on the implications of the war in Ukraine and the need to prepare a response using the NGEU structure as a template.

Daniel Gros, CEPS Distinguished Fellow will discuss his take on the economic implications of COVID plus Ukraine, with insights on the energy price crisis and the dynamics behind.

Eulalia Rubio, Jacques Delors Institute will discuss the some of the important changes needed to align the governance of the EU budget, borrowing and lending and other ‘off budget’ instruments to the challenges ahead.

Moderation will be assured by Jorge Núñez Ferrer, Senior Research Fellow and head of the RRF Monitor (rrfmonitor-ceps.eu) and Francesco Corti, CEPS Research Fellow.

Their insights will be followed by a Q&A session with the participants.

The CEPS RRF Monitor is an own initiative that follows and analysis the EU’s response to the economic impacts to the covid crisis. However, due to the increasing number of the shocks the EU is facing, particularly in the areas of energy and security due to the war in Ukraine, there is a need to explore the wider question if the EU does not need new instruments and maybe a more systematic system to respond to events.

In this webinar we have the pleasure to have speakers placed at the forefront of policy making and policy analysis to give their views and insights.

Damian Boeselager, member of the European Parliament will present his work on the implications of the war in Ukraine and the need to prepare a response using the NGEU structure as a template.

Daniel Gros, CEPS Distinguished Fellow will discuss his take on the economic implications of COVID plus Ukraine, with insights on the energy price crisis and the dynamics behind.

Eulalia Rubio, Jacques Delors Institute will discuss the some of the important changes needed to align the governance of the EU budget, borrowing and lending and other ‘off budget’ instruments to the challenges ahead.

Moderation will be assured by Jorge Núñez Ferrer, Senior Research Fellow and head of the RRF Monitor (rrfmonitor-ceps.eu) and Francesco Corti, CEPS Research Fellow.

Their insights will be followed by a Q&A session with the participants.