Policy Paper 73

Migration : un défi négligé pour la sauvegarde de l’État-providence européen

The consequences of the future demographics of Europe can have a deep impact on the “European way of life” – in particular as the strains on financing the European welfare state occur as the large baby-boomer generations goes into retirement at the same time as the lowest fertility rate experienced since the 1960s means fewer people to pay into the system.
Reforms are needed, and the question is whether migration can help address these issues. It can, but only if the European economies are capable of growing enough to create the jobs, meaning that migrants can be integrated into the labour market and thus contribute to financing the welfare system. This will pose challenges as the countries with a population surplus are also those countries which have revealed to be difficult to integrate . This calls for a change – and a drastic improvement – in Europe’s integration policies, including not only a public debate about the benefits, or necessity, of migration and integration, but also a series of Europe-wide initiatives.

| 24/02/2013

Disponible en anglais uniquement

Ce Policy Paper est une contribution de Hans Martens (EPC) au projet Think Global – Act European (TGAE). Thinking Strategically about the EU’s external action dirigé par Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors (rapport disponible en mars 2013, dir. Elvire Fabry, Chercheur Senior, Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors).

The consequences of the future demographics of Europe can have a deep impact on the “European way of life” – in particular as the strains on financing the European welfare state occur as the large baby-boomer generations goes into retirement at the same time as the lowest fertility rate experienced since the 1960s means fewer people to pay into the system.

Reforms are needed, and the question is whether migration can help address these issues. It can, but only if the European economies are capable of growing enough to create the jobs, meaning that migrants can be integrated into the labour market and thus contribute to financing the welfare system. This will pose challenges as the countries with a population surplus are also those countries which have revealed to be difficult to integrate . This calls for a change – and a drastic improvement – in Europe’s integration policies, including not only a public debate about the benefits, or necessity, of migration and integration, but also a series of Europe-wide initiatives.

Avant la publication du rapport final présentant les recommandations clés des16 think tanks mobilisés dans ce projet, 5 séries de Policy Papers portent sur les sujets suivants : Migration, Voisinage de l’UE, PSDC, Ressources stratégiques et Politiques économiques.

Ce Policy Paper fait partie de la série intitulée «La politique migratoire de l’UE : quelle stratégie pour relever le défi démographique ?» qui comprend les contributions de Ruby Gropas (Eliamep), Andreas Ette (PISM), Roderick Parkes (SWP-PISM), Alicia Sorroza et Carmen Gonzales Enriquez (Elcano), Sergio Carrera, Leonard Den Hertog and Joanna Parkin (CEPS), Thanos Maroukis et Anna Triandafylliou (Eliamep).

Voir les autres contributions de la série migration >>

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