Josef Schmidhuber is co-author of « World agriculture: towards 2015/2030 », FAO’s long-term perspective of global agriculture. He started his professional career in 1990 as a consultant with the World Food Council, and has worked as an Econometrician and Economist with the FAO and as a Senior Economist with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Mr Schmidhuber is a member of numerous international taskforces and initiatives, notably as a lead author of the chapter on agriculture of the fourth assessment report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and member of the International Taskforce on Commodity Risk Management. He has developed or helped develop large multi-country, multicommodity modelling systems such as the OECD Aglink Model or the FAO World Food Model. He has applied various modelling systems to examine practical policy questions such as the impacts of China’s accession to the WTO or the impacts of an increased bio-energy use on agricultural markets, prices and food security.
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The site is a site edited by the Jacques Delors Institute. The Jacques Delors Institute is an association under the 1901 law whose head office is in Paris (75009) at 18, rue de Londres. The association is represented by its director, Sylvie Matelly. The comments and texts published on this site engage only the responsibility of their author. Director of publication: Sylvie Matelly. Presidents: Enrico Letta, Pascal Lamy, Jacques Delors.
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