Policy Paper 109
25 years after the Delors Report: what lessons for economic and monetary union?
This Policy Paper by Henrik Enderlein and Eulalia Rubio comes back on the lessons to be learnt from the confrontation between the Delors’ Report on the EMU and the Maastricht treaty, and assessing both in the light of current debates on EMU governance.
In April 1989, a “Committee for the Study of Economic and Monetary Union”, chaired by the then President of the Commission, Jacques Delors, and including all 12 EC central bank governors, published a Report that set the basis of the current Economic and Monetary Union.
25 years after its publication, what lessons can be drawn by looking backward to the Delors Report?
This policy paper by Henrik Enderlein and Eulalia Rubio aims to answer this question by confronting the proposals contained in the Delors Report with what was finally agreed in Maastricht, and assessing both in the light of current debates on EMU governance.
This Tribune is available also in German and French.
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