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A Euro for Growth and Convergence

This Tribune transposes the speech delivered by the Minister of Finance of Portugal, Mário Centeno, on the occasion of the debate organised on the 22nd February 2017 by the Jacques Delors Institute and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, about the report “Repair and prepare: growth and the euro
after Brexit”.

| 14/03/2017

This Tribune transposes the speech delivered by the Minister of Finance of Portugal, Mário Centeno, on the occasion of the high-level debate organised on the 22nd of February 2017 by the Jacques Delors Institute and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, about the report “Repair and prepare: growth and the euro after Brexit” published by the Bertelsmann Foundation, the Jacques Delors Institute and the Jacques Delors Institute – Berlin.

Considering that the euro is vulnerable, Mário Centeno calls for a stronger Economic and Monetary Union that would have growth and convergence as ultimate goal.