Other document
Britain and Europe – The last rites?
Julian Priestley analyses the new UK/EU relationship. Indeed Britain is currently at the heart of the discussions in the EU, given the attitude of its government towards the fiscal compact and the budget negotiations,
and the evolutions of its political parties and public opinion.
Julian Priestley analyses the new UK/EU relationship. Indeed Britain is currently at the heart of the discussions in the EU, given the attitude of its government towards the fiscal compact and the budget negotiations,and the evolutions of its political parties and public opinion.
His tribune tries to answer four key questions:
1. Would Europe proceed more speedily and more efficiently without Britain?
2. Are British political parties committed to the EU?
3. Restoring British sovereignty?
4. A new phase of EU/UK relations?
For a Europeanisation of the sinews of war

Blog post
29/01/2025 | Bertrand de Cordoue |
Adapting the EU budget to make it fit for the purpose of future enlargements

28/01/2025 | Eulalia Rubio | Benjamin Couteau |
EU enlargement and the post-2027 Multi-Annual Financial Framework

Other document
31/10/2024 | Eulalia Rubio |
Get ready: EU budgetary austerity is back

Blog post
12/12/2023 | Eulalia Rubio |
European defence Part 1 : budgets

26/10/2023 | Thierry Tardy | Sylvie Matelly |

Blog post
21/07/2023 | Daniel Debomy |
[FR] In the minds of the Balkans

Blog post
28/06/2023 | Daniel Debomy |
[FR] Faced with the Russian threat, which budgets for which defence?

Blog post
28/06/2023 | Thierry Tardy |
How stringent would the new Stability and Growth Pact be? And for who?

08/06/2023 | Andreas Eisl |
The tools for protecting the EU budget from breaches of the rule of law

Other document
30/04/2023 | Eulalia Rubio |
[FR] Europe retains public favor in the face of the war in Ukraine

16/03/2023 | Daniel Debomy |
Macro-economic impact of the EU Recovery Funds

Other document
09/03/2023 | Eulalia Rubio |
The power struggle between the European Union and Hungary

29/11/2022 | Lukáš Macek |
[FR] European opinions on the war in Ukraine

26/07/2022 | Daniel Debomy |
Les projets importants d’intérêt européen commun (PIIEC)

Policy Paper
09/05/2022 | Andreas Eisl |

Other document
01/05/2022 | Eulalia Rubio |
What the EU budget can and cannot do in response to the war in Ukraine

Blog post
21/04/2022 | Eulalia Rubio |
From words to action

Policy Paper
01/02/2022 | Eulalia Rubio |


29/06/2021 | Daniel Debomy |
The budgetary stick to the rescue of the rule of law?

Other document
19/05/2021 | Alain Lamassoure | Pervenche Berès | Pascal Lamy | Christine Verger | Jean-Louis Bourlanges | Monica Frassoni | Fabienne Keller | Laurent Pech | Thu Nguyen | Daniel Freund | Javier Moreno Sánchez |
Balancing urgency with control

Policy Paper
14/04/2021 | Eulalia Rubio |

Blog post
26/11/2020 | Christine Verger |
A historic agreement, to be improved and implemented

Blog post
27/07/2020 | Sébastien Maillard |
Brexit and External Differentiation in Single Market Access

Blog post
19/06/2020 | Eulalia Rubio | Andreas Eisl |
An ambitious recovery budget, tough negotiations ahead

Blog post
18/06/2020 | Eulalia Rubio |
French public opinion and Europe
between distrust and ambivalence

Blog post
The EU budget and COVID: We need a “plan B”

Blog post
30/04/2020 | Sébastien Maillard | Eulalia Rubio |
Covid-19 and the Mobilisation of Public Development Banks in the EU

Blog post
Tackling the coronavirus crisis:
how can the EU budget help?

Blog post
31/03/2020 | Eulalia Rubio |
Fiscal policy-making in the time of Coronavirus

Blog post
20/03/2020 | Andreas Eisl |
Coronavirus krach financier et krach politique

Blog post
17/03/2020 | Nicole Gnesotto |
Corona: A European Safety Net for the Fiscal Response

Blog post
17/03/2020 | Lucas Guttenberg | Johannes Hemker |
The Member State compartment of the InvestEU Fund:
how does it work? Will it fly?

Blog post
13/03/2020 | Eulalia Rubio |
MFF negotiations: towards the end?

Blog post
17/02/2020 | Eulalia Rubio |
Public opinion in Greece & the EU

Blog post
03/02/2020 | Daniel Debomy |
Brexit has not won over european opinions, quite the contrary

Blog post
22/01/2020 | Thierry Chopin |
‘No deal’ Brexit and the EU budget:
beware the risk for EU unity

Blog post
20/09/2019 | Eulalia Rubio | Elvire Fabry |
An EU budget in support of the next commission’s agenda

Blog post
02/09/2019 | Eulalia Rubio |
European Budget 2021-2027: how to escape from “business as usual”?

Blog post
04/07/2019 | Morgan Larhant |
Budget européen, retrouver le sens du long terme

Blog post
The political climate in spain ahead of the elections

26/04/2019 | Daniel Debomy |
Appartenance assumée, adhésion réservée : évolution des opinions publiques sur l’Union européenne – de la crise à nos jours

Blog post
06/03/2019 | Daniel Debomy |
Should there be another Brexit-referendum? Risks and opportunities

Policy Paper
18/01/2019 | Sandra Kröger |
Between amputation and strengthening: what Brexit?

10/01/2019 | Thierry Chopin |
Negotiating the next Multi-Annual Financial Framework in an electoral year: which consequences?

Blog post
29/11/2018 | Eulalia Rubio |
What impact would a No Deal Brexit have on European Parliament elections?

Blog post
06/11/2018 | Elvire Fabry |
Expectations and feelings, the state of public opinion before the European elections

Policy Paper
05/10/2018 | Daniel Debomy |
InvestEU Fund: A Rebranded Juncker Fund?

26/09/2018 | Eulalia Rubio | Fleurilys Virel |
A Guide to Brexit and Data Flows

Policy Paper
20/09/2018 | Paul-Jasper Dittrich |
Brexit: potential scenarios amid turbulent waters

25/07/2018 | Elvire Fabry | Nicole Koenig |
Making better use of public funding: The role of national promotional banks and institutions in the next EU budget

The Spanish public opinions and the EU

18/06/2018 | Daniel Debomy |
Who Will Cope with the Post-Brexit Resentment?

Blog post
16/04/2018 | Elvire Fabry |
They Love Me, They Love Me Not, They Love Me a Little: Public Opinion and the European Union in the Visegrad Countries

Policy Paper
06/04/2018 | Daniel Debomy |
Allegro ma non troppo: European public opinions at the end of 2017

26/03/2018 | Daniel Debomy |
Italy’s Euroscepticism: A case of Victimhood and a Tale of Missed Opportunity

07/03/2018 | Beda Romano |
Reinforcing the EU Budget with a fossil-fuel contribution

Blog post
20/02/2018 | Enrico Letta | Pascal Lamy |
Transition: the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Brexit Galaxy

Policy Paper
20/02/2018 | Elvire Fabry | Marco De Toffol |
The Italians and Europe, Chronicle of Disenchantment

Policy Paper
The Next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and its Flexibility

Other document
23/11/2017 | Eulalia Rubio |
EU budget: What’s the Cost of Europe?

Other document
22/11/2017 | Jörg Haas |
Understanding the “Brexit Divorce Bill”

21/11/2017 | Eulalia Rubio |
The possible impact of Brexit on the EU budget and CAP funding

Other document
09/11/2017 | Eulalia Rubio | Jörg Haas |
The EU as a 3-D Power: Should Europe Spend More on Diplomacy, Development and Defence?

Policy Paper
18/09/2017 | Nicole Koenig | Jörg Haas |
Europe, Germany, France: Evolution of Public Opinions

Other document
European public opinion and the EU following the peak of the migration crisis

Policy Paper
06/07/2017 | Daniel Debomy | Alain Tripier |
Are the spending priorities of euro-area countries converging?

Policy Paper
03/07/2017 | Jörg Haas | Robin Huguenot-Noël |
The future of the European budget: What does the Commission’s White Paper mean for EU finances?

Policy Paper
27/06/2017 | Jörg Haas | Eulalia Rubio |
Extending Erasmus: a new impetus for youth mobility in Europe

Policy Paper
14/06/2017 | Yves Bertoncini | Sofia Fernandes |
Social Networks and Populism in the EU : Comparative Study

Policy Paper
24/04/2017 | Paul-Jasper Dittrich |
National Referendums on EU Issues: from Clarification to Frustration

Policy Paper
03/04/2017 | Yves Bertoncini |
Living Together Facing Fears: the French Political Dilemma

Policy Paper
16/03/2017 | Yves Bertoncini | Dídac Gutiérrez-Peris |
Brexit and the EU budget: threat or opportunity?

Policy Paper
25/01/2017 | Jörg Haas | Eulalia Rubio |
Public Sector Reform: How the EU budget is used to encourage it

05/10/2016 | Eulalia Rubio | David Rinaldi |
Brexit: between British Europhobia and continental Euroscepticisms

Policy Paper
30/09/2016 | Yves Bertoncini |
The EU and referenda: three denials of democracy

Other document
23/06/2016 | Yves Bertoncini |
The EU, despite everything? European public opinion in the face of crisis (2005–2015)

22/06/2016 | Daniel Debomy |
Is there an alternative to the European economic policy? The European Parliament response

Other document
03/03/2016 | Maria João Rodrigues |
Federalising the Eurozone: Towards a true European budget?

Policy Paper
14/01/2016 | Eulalia Rubio |
TTIP and German opinion’s legitimate fears

Other document
07/01/2016 | Elvire Fabry |
“Shared sovereignty for monitoring borders already shared”

16/12/2015 | António Vitorino |
What would a European finance minister do? A proposal

Policy Paper
28/10/2015 | Henrik Enderlein | Jörg Haas |
The EU and referenda: structural incompatibility?

Policy Paper
17/09/2015 | Yves Bertoncini | Nicole Koenig |
2014 European elections: an upsurge in Europhobia or business as usual?

Policy Paper
06/05/2015 | Yves Bertoncini |
Cameron: taking a gamble on Europe

Blog post
30/03/2015 |
Tsipras is not Midas: a break in continuity?

26/01/2015 | Yves Bertoncini |
A new road map for the EU

17/12/2014 | António Vitorino |
Euroscepticism or Europhobia: voice vs. exit?

Policy Paper
27/11/2014 | Yves Bertoncini | Nicole Koenig |
The adjustements to the EU budget

06/11/2014 | Eulalia Rubio |
National budgets and European surveillance: Shedding light on the debate

Policy Paper
15/10/2014 | Sofia Fernandes |
The EU and referenda on independence: a leap in the dark?

Other document
17/09/2014 | Yves Bertoncini |
Reforming Europe’s governance

15/09/2014 | Yves Bertoncini | António Vitorino |
European elections: What form of cohabitation between France and the EU?

26/05/2014 | Yves Bertoncini |
What the French told us about the employement in the EU

Other document
23/05/2014 | Nicolò Conti |
What the French told us about the European democracy

Other document
23/05/2014 | Nicolò Conti |
What the French told us about euro

Other document
23/05/2014 | Nicolò Conti |
What the French told us about globalisation

Other document
23/05/2014 | Nicolò Conti |
Adjustment programmes in the euro area: mission accomplished?

Other document
22/05/2014 | Sofia Fernandes | Thibault Paulet |
Who calls the shots in the euro area? “Brussels” or the member states?

Policy Paper
14/05/2014 | Sofia Fernandes |
Power to the citizens: Conditions for a European public space?

Other document
03/04/2014 | Claire Versini |
European Elections : less abstention, more populism?

Other document
13/11/2013 | Yves Bertoncini |
Making the EU more democratic

Other document
04/11/2013 | Virginie Timmerman |
Non-Community European spending

Policy Paper
03/09/2013 | Amélie Barbier-Gauchard |
Beyond the Troika: which divides and faces for the EU?

Other document
29/07/2013 | Yves Bertoncini | Valentin Kreilinger |
Leading Europe from the front

Other document
20/06/2013 | Pascal Lamy |
EU budget: the path to an agreement

Other document
25/04/2013 | Jacques Delors | António Vitorino |
The role and place of Parliaments in a genuine Economic and Monetary Union

Other document
17/04/2013 | Christian Deubner | Valentin Kreilinger |
EU and growth: three pacts rather than one

Other document
04/04/2013 | Jacques Delors | António Vitorino | Erik Belfrage | Yves Bertoncini | Joachim Bitterlich | Jean-Louis Bourlanges | Laurent Cohen-Tanugi | Jonathan Faull | Pierre Lepetit | Sophie-Caroline De Margerie | Riccardo Perissich | Julian Priestley | Maria João Rodrigues | Philippe De Schoutheete | Daniela Schwarzer | Christian Stoffaës | Nicole Gnesotto |
EU no, euro yes? European public opinions facing the crisis (2007-2012)

Policy Paper
27/03/2013 | Daniel Debomy |
European budget 2014-2020: seven years of bad luck?

Other document
18/03/2013 | Nadège Chambon | Marie Billotte |
Is the stupidity pact still stable?

11/03/2013 | António Vitorino |
How to maintain hard capabilities in times of budget cuts?

Policy Paper
13/02/2013 | Ronja Kempin |
The EU budget: taking a second look

05/02/2013 | Yves Bertoncini | António Vitorino |
Britain and Europe: Anatomy of a speech

Other document
23/01/2013 | Julian Priestley |
Consolidating the EMU, a vital task

Other document
07/12/2012 | Jacques Delors |
Spending better together: analyses and recommendations

Other document
19/11/2012 | Amélie Barbier-Gauchard | Eulalia Rubio |
Reforming the EU budget in times of crisis

15/11/2012 | Yves Bertoncini |
Eurozone budget: 3 functions, 3 instruments

15/11/2012 | Eulalia Rubio |
Which Institutions for the Euro Area?

Other document
25/09/2012 | António Vitorino |