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Defenceless Europe?

This synthesis by Elvire Fabry and Jordan Rowell summerises the key issues discussed during the “Ateliers de la Citadelle”, devoted to the topic of European defence, which took place on 9 October 2014 in Lille.

| 03/11/2014

This synthesis by Elvire Fabry and Jordan Rowell summerises the key issues discussed during the 5th edition of the “Ateliers de la Citadelle”, entitled “Europe without defence? Crises and Perspectives for the Common Security and Defence Policy”, organised by the City of Lille and the Mission Lille Eurométropole défense et sécurité (LEDS) in partnership for the first time with Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute and Toute l’Europe, on 9 October 2014, in the Headquarters of the Rapid Reaction Corps of France Lille.

The debates have focused on two main axes:

1. Promising times or stumbling blocks for CSDP? 

2. The defence industry: ultimate revival for the European defence?

The discussions chaired by Nicole Gnesotto, vice-president of Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute and chairholder of the European Union Chair at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM) have benefited from the intervention of:

the Grand témoin, the General Henri Bentégeat, former chief of defence staff and president of the European Union military committee,

– the keynote speech, Élisabeth Guigou, president of the Foreign affairs committee at the French National Assembly,

– General Margail, commander of the Rapid Reaction Corps – France,

General Vincent Desportes, former director of the École de guerre and associate professor at Sciences Po Paris,

Amiral Coldefy, director of the revue Défense nationale,

Jean Guisnel, journalist, Le Point,

François Heisbourg, special counsellor, Fondation pour la recherche stratégique,

General Ladeveze, defence counsellor, Eurocopter,

Bertrand de Cordoue, Director Public affairs Defence France, Airbus.