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Erasmus Pro: for a million “young European apprentices” by 2020
In this tribune, the Jacques Delors Institute working group on youth employment calls upon European leaders to rapidly implement a new mobility programme – Erasmus Pro – which would allow a million young Europeans to obtain a professional qualification in another EU country by 2020.
| 12/05/2015
65 years ago, Robert Schuman observed that “Europe will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity”.
In this Tribune, the Jacques Delors Institute working group on youth employment calls upon European leaders to rapidly implement a new mobility program – Erasmus Pro – which would allow a million young Europeans to obtain a professional qualification in another EU country by 2020.
This Tribune is based on several key issues:
1. Youth unemployment: an unacceptable situation, an insufficient response
2. Trans-European mobility for young people to qualify and to access the job market
3. A new European mobility programme: Erasmus Pro
4. How the programme works: mobilising young people and businesses
5. A budget of approximately €5 billion a year for young European apprentices
6. Guaranteeing circular mobility for young apprentices within the EU and facilitating their return to their native countries
It is also available in French and German.
A shorter version is published by Le Monde, The Guardian and the Frankfurter Rundschau.
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