Report 126

EU and China between De-Risking and Cooperation: Scenarios by 2035

Edited by Sylvie Bermann and Elvire Fabry

Quote the report

Bermann, S. & Elvire, F. (edited by), 2023 “EU and China between De-Risking and Cooperation: Scenariosby 2035” Report n. 126, Paris: Jacques Delors Institute, November

At a time when China’s political and economic future and its global relationships have never been so uncertain, the Jacques Delors Institute has gathered experts to chart scenarios for 2035 on key issues in Sino-European relations.

The aim is to pinpoint transformative factors and shed light on pivotal decisions to prevent shifts harmful to European interests.

The scenarios are not mutually exclusive for a given issue. They don’t follow either a predictable path across different sectors based on whether they predict cooperation or conflict. Rather than searching for broad, overarching narratives, the study reveals a labyrinth of possible interconnections. In this age of de-risking, a one-size-fits-all approach to China is inadequate. Europe must craft tools for a finely tuned understanding of mutual strengths and strategies to preventsystemic rivalry from overshadowing partnership and competition.


Design by Marjolaine Bergonnier , translation by Julien Rosso.