
EU, Catalonia and regional separatism

Yves Bertoncini deals with the legal and political consequences of the possible independence of Catalunia, Scotland and Flanders as regards the membership and the functioning of the EU. This Tribune constitutes the English translation of his interview with the Spanish daily La Razon.

| 03/12/2012

Yves Bertoncini deals with the legal and political consequences of the possible independence of Catalonia, Scotland and Flanders as regards the membership and the functioning of the European Union.

He answers in particular to the following questions :

What would be the consequences of the independence of a region vis-a-vis a member state?

What would be the EU position as regards a referendum on independence?
Would the increased number of member states create problems for the EU?
Would France vote in favour of the adhesion of an independent Catalonia?

This Tribune constitutes the English translation of his interview with the Spanish daily La Razon.