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EU, unemployment and globalisation

This synthesis by Virginie Timmerman shows the key issues of the debate organised by Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute and the European Movement France on 25 November 2013 in Albi, about “Globalisation and unemployment: EU’s challenges”.

| 08/01/2014

25 November 2013, 6
months before the next European elections, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute
and the European Movement France launched the first debate of their cycle “Droit
d’inventaire – Droit d’inventer
”, in Albi in the euro-constituency South-West,
on the themes globalisation and unemployment.

Three major issues were pointed out:

  1. Employment, social and fiscal harmonisation for
    a healthier inter-European competition;
  2. Globalisation, uniting to compete with the
    outside world on an equal footing;
  3. 25 May 2014, choosing your European Union.

On this occasion,
citizens were able to share their questions and opinions with:

  • Anne LAPPEROUZE, president of the Mouvement Européen – France – Tarn,
  • Yves BERTONCINI, director of Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors,
  • Daniel ECLACHE, company director and chair of MEDEF – Tarn,
  • Jean-Louis HORMIERE, the president of Chambre de commerce et des métiers du Tarn (Chamber of
    trade and skills),
  • Antoine JANKOWSKI, the honorary Polish consul in Toulouse.

At the end
of the debate citizens expressed their views on the topics of the debate front of our camera.

To listen to the podcast of the debate (in French), click here.

To see the pictures, click here.