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European democracy: circus or reality?
Notre Europe proposes the synthesis of the conference organised on the occasion of the publication of the book Circus Politicus, during which Christophe Deloire debated with Isabelle Durant and Jean-Louis Bourlanges. This debate led to analyse the “democracy deficit” of the EU and more generally the involvement of citizens at the European level.
Notre Europe proposes the synthesis of a debate organised on the occasion of the publication of the book Circus Politicus, at the Foreign Press Centre in Paris. The authors and journalists, Philippe Deloire and Christophe Dubois argue in favour of the existence of a “democracy deficit” in the European Union.
Notre Europe wished to debate the main issues of the book by gathering Christophe Deloire, the Vice-President of the European Parliament and former Belgian Ministry Isabelle Durant and the former MEP Jean-Louis Bourlanges. Yves Bertoncini, Secretary General of Notre Europe, introduced and moderated the debate, which was concluded by questions and answers with the floor.
Written by Yves Bertoncini and Valentin Kreilinger, research assistant at Notre Europe, this synthesis focuses on four main issues of the debate:
The legal case against Hungary’s anti-LGBTIQ+ law

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CEPS Ideas Lab

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