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European Union, employment and democracy

This synthesis by Virginie Timmerman shows the key issues of the debate organised by Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute and the European Movement France on 7 February in La Rochelle, about democracy and employment, and the EU.

| 06/05/2014

7 February 2014, less than 4 months before the next European elections, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute and the European Movement – France organised the third debate of their cycle “Droit d’inventaire – Droit d’inventer”, in La Rochelle in the euro-constituency West, on the themes democracy and employment.

Three major issues were pointed out:
1. Citizenship : solutions for citizen apathy

2. Democracy: renewed powerto manage the breakdown of the representative system

3. Employment : waging a political battle

On this occasion, citizens were able to share their questions and opinions with:
– Maxime BONO, mayor of La Rochelle

– Philippe HERZOG, founding chairman of Confrontations Europe

– Ignacio Diego PALACIOS, president of the Atlantic Arc Commision (CRPM)

– Gilles SAVARY, member of the French Parliament

To listen to the podcast of the debate (in French), click here.
To see the pictures, click here.