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Germany, France, EU: acting together

On the eve of the fiftieth anniversary of the Élysée Treaty, the Franco-German relationship needs to be put into a European perspective: it is the purpose of this Viewpoint of Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute co-signed by Mathilde Durand, Daniela Schwarzer and António Vitorino.

On the eve of the fiftieth anniversary of the Élysée Treaty, the Franco-German relationship needs to be put into a European perspective. It is the purpose of this Viewpoint of Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute co-signed by Mathilde Durand, Daniela Schwarzer and António Vitorino.

It prompts three main considerations:
1. The treaty has certainly made it possible to develop unparalled dialogue between the two countries,
2. but at this juncture the Franco-German relationship needs to be rebalanced
3. in order for the EU to be able to better rise to the challenges that it is called on to face today.

This Tribune is also available in German.