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How would citizens like to communicate with the European Union?
This synthesis by Virginie Timmerman and Daniel Debomy is based on the first discussion of the project “Horizon EU” which collected citizens’ opinion on how the citizens would like to communicate with the EU.
This synthesis by Virginie Timmerman and Daniel Debomy is based on the group discussions organised in 18 countries of the European Union, in the framework of the project “Horizon EU: European citizenship, a horizontal development” which collected citizens’ opinion on how the citizens would like to communicate with the EU.
Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, supported by the OPTEM network, organised the first stage of the project “Horizon EU”. It aimed at allowing 157 European citizens to debate about their vision of the EU and their access to the European institutions.
Two issues were addressed in this synthesis:
1. New means of expression for citizens: spontaneous reactions
2. Assessment of the proposals of the new means of expression for citizens
Interviews of some the European citizens participating in the “Horizon EU” project are available on our YouTube channel.
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