Italy, Europe and 2003 presidency
The analyse of the perspectives and their determining factors is a particular difficult task. As far as politics is concerned, the Italian response is never easy to predict. This is also true of the subject we wish to treat here, the political orientations of its Presidency. It becomes even more difficult given the attitude of the Italian authorities which combines an unusual discretion over their intentions, an often puzzling style of international relations and a cooler and more hesitant European commitment than in the past, on the surface at least.Also available in Italian.
| 31/05/2003
Foreword by Jacques Delors
I am especially grateful to Roberto Di Quirico for having accepted to analyse for us the perspectives of the Italian Presidency of the European Union and their determining factors as it is a particularly difficult task. As far as politics is concerned, whether national or European, the Italian response is never easy to predict, and indeed this is one of its many charms. This is also true of the subject we wish to treat here, the political orientations of its Presidency. It becomes even more difficult given the attitude of the Italian authorities which combines an unusual discretion over their intentions, an often puzzling style of international relations and a cooler and more hesitant European commitment than in the past, on the surface at least.
Roberto Di Quirico explains that this new positioning and the difficulty in explaining it derives from a tense internal situation where divisions are exacerbated, the political system which followed the “First Republic” is unstable and there is a fear of an economic, social and moral “decline” in the country. The European theme, which has always been at the centre of the Italian debate, finds itself eclipsed by internal concerns and used in response to these concerns. Even if experience has taught us that Italy generally copes with this type of situation, without the anticipated dramatic consequences, the current scenario appears more serious than usual. This explains why our author has found himself compelled to depart from the usual academic neutrality and has provided us with a study which is more “committed” than the others in this series have tended to be. The legacy which each Presidency leaves for the history of European integration relates less to its intentions and more to the constraints of its agenda. The second semester of 2003, between enlargement, deepening and the planning of budgetary resources and policies, will be particularly demanding for the Italian Presidency. This will be in some senses a hazardous period, as the Union will have to resolve questions which are vital for its future, while it is currently more divided than ever. In such a context, the role of the Presidency will be less that of proposing initiatives than that of forging consensus.
Among other advantages it possesses which should aid in this task, Italy also holds the functions of the Presidency of the European Council, the Presidency of the Commission and the Vice-Presidency of the Convention, which is not too bad for a country supposedly on the verge of decline. It is up to Italy to add up these potential strengths rather than using them as a further instrument of division. They will be necessary to meet the strict deadlines that the calendar has laid down.
Italy in Europe

Migrations: what solidarity with Italy?

Italy’s Euroscepticism: A case of Victimhood and a Tale of Missed Opportunity

Meloni tells EU it cannot rely on US amid fears of Trump hit to bloc’s economy

What happens if Italy and France’s right-wing firebrands unite?

« Top jobs » de l’UE : la candidature d’Ursula von der Leyen à la tête de la Commission validée, malgré les tensions politiques avec l’Italie

UE : pourquoi les pays du Sud mobilisent davantage le pactole du plan de relance

L’écart entre les taux italiens et allemands se resserre

Italy’s Not the Economic Basket Case You Thought

Italy’s Not the Economic Basket Case You Thought

Il nuovo Patto di Stabilità è una batosta per Meloni. E Berlino vuole dargliene un’altra

Mort de Silvio Berlusconi : l’empreinte du Cavaliere dans l’Italie d’aujourd’hui

Pourquoi les relations restent tendues entre la France et l’Italie

Italie : la grande inconnue du plan de relance européen

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Italie, l’extrême droite au pouvoir

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EU sees trouble but no breakdown with Italy far-right in power

L’Union européenne tenue de composer avec l’extrême droite nouvelle génération

Élections en Italie: les Européens ont déjà intériorisé la victoire de l’extrême droite

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Enrico Letta, le bon élève de la gauche face à l’extrême droite italienne

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Enrico Letta : « La bataille européenne contre le populisme se joue en Italie »

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Mario Draghi’s high-stakes recovery push

Enrico Letta (Parti démocrate) : L’Italie lance son déconfinement

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Italie : Enrico Letta prend la tête du Parti démocrate

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Idee per una finanza sostenibile

Italia, crónica de tres años salvajes

« Draghi aidera l’Europe à surmonter l’austérité et le péril souverainiste »

Enrico Letta (Institut Jacques Delors) : Mario Draghi peut-il sauver l’Italie ?

Mario Draghi, l’inventeur du «quoi qu’il en coûte», au chevet de l’Italie en crise

Italy plunges into political crisis

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Immigration: le coup de pression de Macron sur l’Italie

Temí un ‘Italexit’ cuando Salvini gobernaba

La droite italienne a retrouvé son unité, mais celle-ci n’est qu’apparente

“We have to reshape a transatlantic community”

“Do not underestimate growing euro-frustration” among Italians.

En Italie il y a «le sentiment grandissant que Bruxelles est absent»

“Italia y España no piden limosnas, sino una solución europea a esta crisis”

“Renforcer l’Europe pour construire un humanisme de la technologie et une politique de l’environnement efficace »

Salvini soupçonné d’avoir perçu des financements illégaux du Kremlin

“A part Salvini et Le Pen, les autres populistes ont fait des scores plutôt modestes”

“La lune de miel Salvini/Di Maio touche à sa fin, ils vont se séparer après les élections”

«L’Europa? Solo uniti non diventeremo colonie americane o cinesi»

“There is a big problem for Italy and big problem for Italy’s lack of investment and the duration of the public finance situation”

“Les pays les plus touchés par le populisme, ce sont les vainqueurs de l’après-guerre”

Sébastien Maillard analyses the tension between Rome and Brussels concerning the Italian budget on RTS’ La Matinale

Sébastien Maillard on France Culture : “le budget italien est économiquement expansionniste mais politiquement électoraliste”

“L’alliance Orban-Salvini n’est pas très solide (…) La question de la répartition des migrants peut les diviser”

Migrations : “la réponse est européenne”

«Nous vivons une décomposition des sociétés politiques»

Politique migratoire : jusqu’où peut aller l’Italie ?

The referendum in Italy is not comparable with the Catalan crisis – Enrico Letta on RTL

The diplomatic relations between France and Italy – Enrico Letta in Le Républicain Lorrain

The Italian-German relations – Enrico Letta in Wirtschaftswoche

The relaunch of Europe and Italy’s role – Enrico Letta in La Stampa

Macron tests Italian patience over refugees – Enrico Letta in the Financial Times

E.Letta on Bruxelles2 about the operation in the Mediterranean and the European’s responses to crises

Enrico Letta on France Inter about the need of European solidarity for migrants in Italy

Enrico Letta in Le Monde about Italy isolated in front of a new migration peak

Enrico Letta on Repubblica TV asks for rules and sanctions concerning the European migration policy

Enrico Letta on Repubblica TV asks for more solidarity between the Member States on the migrant crisis

Enrico Letta in Avvenire asks the EU more solidarity on the migrants issue

Enrico Letta in La Repubblica about the European en international news

Enrico Letta on #CorriereLive about the European and international news

Yves Bertoncini in La Croix: « Parler de Brexit à l’Italienne est d’une grande paresse intellectuelle »

Yves Bertoncini in : “En cas de crise italienne, l’UE serait moins prise au dépourvu”

Enrico Letta in Forces Magazine: “Pour une Europe renouvelée”