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Managing a successful UK-EU divorce, arousing the desire for Union
Our President, António Vitorino, takes a stand on the main issues of the European Council of the 2829 June 2016 by answering questions on the “Brexit” and its consequences, the Juncker Plan, the refugee crisis and the European security strategy.
Our President, António Vitorino, takes a stand on the main issues of the European Council of the 2829 June 2016 by answering the following questions.
1. What is your analysis of the outcome of the British referendum in favour of an exit from the European Union?
2. Do you believe that the British referendum could cause a knock-on effect on a European scale?
3. What must national and European authorities do following the British referendum?
4. The European Council is set to discuss the implementation of the Juncker Plan and support for growth and employment: what are your recommendations in these areas?
5. EU leaders are being called on to assess the decisions taken to deal with the refugee crisis, and the EU-Turkey agreement in particular: what can we expect?
6. The European Council will also decide on the new European security strategy presented by Federica Mogherini: what are the key challenges in your opinion?