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Mid-term French MEPs’ votes – West euroconstituency
The election of a new president of the European Parliament on Tuesday 17 January marks mid-term for the parliamentarians elected in May 2014. The Jacques Delors Institute conducted a fresh analysis of the way French MEPs have voted to date in connection with the twenty emblematic issues.
The election of a new president (speaker) of the European Parliament on Tuesday 17 January marks mid-term for the parliamentarians elected in France and throughout the EU in May 2014. Working in partnership with the Mouvement Européen-France on the basis of data supplied by VoteWatch, the Jacques Delors Institute has decided to mark the occasion by conducting a fresh analysis of the way French MEPs have voted to date in connection with the twenty emblematic issues submitted to their approval (the Juncker Commission’s investiture, the TTIP, trade secrets, the European border guard and coastguard agency and so forth).
These factsheets will allow us to put “faces on the political divide” which structures the European Parliament’s democratic life. Our twenty voting analyses address both the positions expressed by all of the parliamentarians elected in France and those expressed within the eight regional euroconstituencies (Île-de-France, Grand-Est, Sud-Ouest and so forth) so that they can be disseminated to as large a number of voters as possible.
The vote of the French West MEPs on 20 emblematic issues (in French)
Juncker Commission
Should the European Parliament appoint Junckers Commission?
Should the Parliament censor the European Commission?
National and European budgets
Should we limit the Juncker Plan interventions aiming at promoting growth?
Should the EU Budget be increased?
Should the EU focus more on public investment rather than focusing on budgetary discipline?
Should TTIP negotiations continue?
Should trade secret be protected?
Should access to money laundering information for tax authorities be facilitated?
Should we prevent public railway systems from being privatized?
Single Market/Social and fiscal Europe
Should the EU harmonise the social benefits charges and wages of posted workers according to local standards ?
Should EU Members States increase tax coordination and convergence within the internal market?
Should the EU introduce minimum standards for the implementation of the youth guarantees?
Should employers to ban specific kinds of symbols that are claimed to be of a religious nature?
Should the EU renew the authorization for glyphosate for 7 years?
Should the EU fight for increasing social inclusion of refugees as well as their integration in the labour market?
Should refugees be allocated across Europe?
Should a European Border and Coast Guard Agency be established?
External relations
Should the EU pursue closer relations with Iran?
Should the EU allow the redoubling of the capacity of the pipeline Nord Stream II?
Should the EU introduce the payment of ETS allowances for steel coming from outside the EU?