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More European solidarity before migrant crises

The tragic death of hundreds of migrants in the Mediterranean has triggered an uncommon degree of mobilisation and helped to impart a fresh boost to the debate on EU solidarity in the face of these migrant crises. Yves Bertoncini takes a stand.

| 30/04/2015

The tragic death of hundreds of migrants in the Mediterranean has triggered an uncommon degree of mobilisation in Europe, which came to a head at the special summit held on 23 April.
In addition to the adoption of short term measures, this mobilisation has helped to impart a fresh boost to the debate on European solidarity in the face of these migrant crises, and it is worth exploring that debate on three complementary levels.

Yves Bertoncini takes a stand in this Viewpoint and focuses on three key elements:
1. Geographical asymmetry demands European financial solidarity to tackle migrant crises;
2. European solidarity still falls short of the mark where migrant intake is concerned;
3. European solidarity and cooperation must be strengthened on a joint basis in the face of migrant crises.

In his conclusion, Yves Bertoncini underlines that, above and beyond the single issue of “migrant crises”, the EU and its member states need to review the entire picture of their migration strategies.

This Tribune was also published on the HuffingtonPost.fr.