Other document

Politicising the European debate

Despite the uncertain fate of the Treaty of Lisbon, the European elections of June 2009 remain on the agenda. They are of fundamental importance for the direction of the European project in the next five years. For this reason Notre Europe wishes to underline the position of its European Steering Committee, which dates from 1998. This advocates linking the choice of Commission president to the results of European elections, with each political grouping proposing a candidate during the campaign. The text introducing the position, signed by our president, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, explains the significance of such a move with a reasoning unsettlingly relevant to today’s situation.

| 24/07/2008

Despite the uncertain fate of the Treaty of Lisbon, the European elections of June 2009 remain on the agenda. They are of fundamental importance for the direction of the European project in the next five years. For this reason Notre Europe wishes to underline the position of its European Steering Committee, which dates from 1998. This advocates linking the choice of Commission president to the results of European elections, with each political grouping proposing a candidate during the campaign. The text introducing the position, signed by our president, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, explains the significance of such a move with a reasoning unsettlingly relevant to today’s situation. “Politicising the European debate”, as the title of the ESC’s position proposes, is now a matter of urgency. It will once again be on the agenda of the Committee next meeting, on 7-8 November in Paris.

Available in German.