Policy paper
Seizing the Moment for Euro Area Reform
In this Policy Paper, the authors set out their proposals for a staged but lasting and workable reform. The recommendations are based on a longer report that a working group published at the end of 2016. You can find the full report entitled “Repair and Prepare: Growth and the Euro after Brexit” here.
The election of Emmanuel Macron as French President gave renewed hope to proponents of the European integration project after the blow of Brexit. There is now a momentum that euro area member states could agree on the view that the euro is incomplete and cannot last without major reforms.
In this Policy Paper, our president Enrico Letta, Henrik Enderlein, Director of our office in Germany, the Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin and Aart De Geus, President and CEO of the Bertelsmann Stiftung) set out their proposals for a staged but lasting and workable reform at the moment when the Commission publishes its reflexion paper on the deepening on the Economic and Monetary Union. They propose a comprehensive reform strategy based on three building blocks:
– a first aid kit consisting of a reinforced European Stability Mechanism (ESM+), an enhanced Banking Union and better economic policy coordination under improved democratic control;
– a more targeted structural reform agenda combined with a comprehensive investment initiative;
– a major reform of EMU for the long term, involving significant risk- and sovereignty-sharing within a coherent and legitimate framework of supranational economic governance.
These recommendations are based on a longer report that a working group published at the end of 2016. You can find the full report entitled “Repair and Prepare: Growth and the Euro after Brexit” here.
This publication is part of “Repair and prepare: Strengthen the Euro”, a larger research project of the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin on the future of the euro. More information can be found here.
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