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The Commission’s leadership and the EU governance

This Synthesis summarises the main issues dealt with during the conference “The Commission leadership and the governance of Europe” co-organised with Friends of Europe, with contributions from Jean-Claude Juncker, Étienne Davignon and Jacques Delors.

| 15/04/2015

This Synthesis summarises the main issues dealt with during the conference entitled “The Commission leadership and the governance of Europe” organised by the Jacques Delors Institute and Friends of Europe on 16 Marchy 2015, with contributions from Jean-Claude Juncker, Étienne Davignon and Jacques Delors among others.

The Synthesis is divided into 4 main parts:

1. Redressing the institutional balance of the EU
2. Solidarity and subsidiarity
3. A new democracy for the EU
4. Looking to the future


See also:
– Video tribune of Jacques Delors: “Jacques Delors discusses the Commission presidency and the EU’s institutional functioning“.
– Video tribune of Jean-Claude Juncker: “Jean-Claude Junker discusses the Commission presidency and the Delors years“.