The Debt Crisis in the Euro Area: Interest and Passions
We could pretend to be unaware that the crisis threatened the European Union itself as long as only a bank, an area of industry, or a neighboring country were affected. However, when it hit a country like Greece, a member of the euro group, it became self-evident that while Europe may not be to blame, it could well become the great global crisis’ main victim. […] Thus Europe is once again facing both an opportunity and a risk at the same time. The Union today needs to complete its project, and thus it has an opportunity to do so.
We could pretend to be unaware that the crisis threatened the European Union itself as long as only a bank, an area of industry, or a neighboring country were affected. However, when it hit a country like Greece, a member of the euro group, it became self-evident that while Europe may not be to blame, it could well become the great global crisis’ main victim. […] Thus Europe is once again facing both an opportunity and a risk at the same time. The Union today needs to complete its project, and thus it has an opportunity to do so.
The war in Ukraine:
what are the consequences for European organisations?

After Brexit, euro-denominated derivatives transactions should leave the City

The Euro as seen by citizens who do not yet have it

Corona: A European Safety Net for the Fiscal Response

The reform of the EMU: what social dimension?

Es ist Zeit

Economic and Monetary Union: past and present

The future of the Eurozone: cross-perspective from France and Germany

Why Meseberg matters – A short explainer

Merkel on EU reform: a decryption

No Escape from Politics: four tests for a successful fiscal instrument in the Euro area

Looking for the silver bullet – A guide to the ESM debate

Leaving the Euro: An Emergency Exit for the Currency Union?

Imbalances: Should the EU Intervene?

Economic Government: What Kind of Coordination for the Eurozone?

Sovereign Debt: Do We Need an EU Solution?

Juncker’s Last Hurrah

Are the spending priorities of euro-area countries converging?

Seizing the Moment for Euro Area Reform

The Awakening

A Euro for Growth and Convergence

How to prioritize structural reforms in the euro area?

Financial market fragmentation in the euro area: state of play

Does the Eurozone need a Parliament?

Automatic stabilizers for the Euro area and the European social model

Repair and Prepare: Growth and the Euro after Brexit

National parliaments, surveillance mechanisms and ownership in the euro area

EU Economic Policy Coordination

Automatic stabilisers for the euro area: what is on the table?

Why the Eurozone can’t agree on convergence. And how structural reforms can help

Labour mobility in the euro area: cure or curse?

Germany and the stability of the EMU

Federalising the Eurozone: Towards a true European budget?

“Shared sovereignty for monitoring borders already shared”

What would a European finance minister do? A proposal

Sharing solidarity and sovereignty better: transcending “euroscoliosis”

After the Greek psychodrama, what improvements for the EMU?

After the Greek deal: why it is urgent to complete EMU

The EU and Greece: exiting “IMF – Europe” rather than the Euro

On asylum and the euro: displaying solidarity is in our own interest

Improving EMU: Our recommendations for the debate on the five presidents report

Grexit? Beware of slippery slopes

Repair and prepare: Strengthening Europe’s economies after the crisis

A new road map for the EU

What political and institutional evolutions for the EU and the EMU?

National budgets and European surveillance: Shedding light on the debate

Promoting structural reforms in the euro area: what for and how?

20 years “core Europe”

Reforming Europe’s governance

What the French told us about euro

What European democracy in the face of globalisation and the crisis?

Adjustment programmes in the euro area: mission accomplished?

25 years after the Delors Report: what lessons for economic and monetary union?

The “stupidity pact” is not stable

The unhappy state of the Union

Inventing the European policies of tomorrow

Completing the Economic and Monetary Union

European elections: full steam ahead!

Which financial instrument to facilitate structural reforms in the euro area?

Deepening the EMU: How to maintain and develop the European social model?

Endowing the EMU with a Social Dimension

Towards a Euro Union

An Inter-Parliamentary Conference for the EMU

Blueprint for a Cyclical Shock Insurance in the euro area

A social dimension for the EMU: why and how?

The way out of the Cyprus economic crisis

Beyond the Troika: which divides and faces for the EU?

Eurozone and democracy(ies) : a misleading debate

The Baltic states in the EU: yesterday, today and tomorrow

Rethinking the EMU and making Greater Europe positive again

Fear not, we will get there!

Europe between renewal and decline

Leading Europe from the front

Rebuilding Greater Europe

The parliaments of the EU and the governance of the EMU

National parliaments: their emerging control over the European Council

EU no, euro yes? European public opinions facing the crisis (2007-2012)

For a genuine EMU. Lessons from the international experience

European budget 2014-2020: seven years of bad luck?

Towards a common external representation for the eurozone ?

Is the stupidity pact still stable?

The EU and Turkey in the Southern Neighbourhood: a new opening?

What political union for Europe?

Making one size fit all. Designing a cyclical adjustment insurance fund for the eurozone

Reflections on Political Union

The Nobel Prize, then what?

What balance between austerity and growth in the euro zone?

Reform proposals for the euro zone

A new path for growth and solidarity

Consolidating the EMU, a vital task

The euro zone, core of a political union

“Democracy in Europe”

Eurozone budget: 3 functions, 3 instruments

The interim report on the EMU is encouraging

Which Institutions for the Euro Area?

EMU: long-term matters are urgent matters

Fire-fighters, Policemen and Architects for European Integration

Setting up and governing the euro

Completing the Euro: A road map towards fiscal union in Europe

Federal Leap or Political Unions?

European guarantees to get out of the crisis?

Brussels, 2 May 2012 – What Are the Risks of Small Steps in a Rapidly Changing World?

Public Opinion and the Eurozone Crisis – PEW Global Attitudes Survey

“Europe’s high noon approaches”

The budgetary cost of solidarity in the euro zone: getting things clear and into perspective

For a revival of Europe

Pascal Lamy’ speech “Europe in the Global Economy”

The politics of the EMU governance

Solidarity within the Eurozone: how much, what for, for how long?

The Future of Europe in the New Global Economy

A two-pronged defence of the Euro

The Demons Awake : The Euro Crisis and how to emerge from it

Maastricht: The Five Pillars of Wisdom

The euro and the crises

The euro, words and facts

“The euro, in historical and institutional terms”

“Europe is the solution, not the problem”

The Euro, the investors and the governance – Proceedings of the seminar in honour of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa

Where is Germany Heading?

The European Semester: only a first step

Is the crisis of the euro nearly over? by Guy Verhofstadt