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The EU and its rural areas

This Synthesis summarises the main ideas discussed during two seminars organised in October and December 2013 by Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute and Sol & Civilisation on the relations between the EU and its rural areas by 2020 and beyond.

| 10/04/2014

This Synthesis by Marjorie Jouen summarises the main ideas discussed during two seminars on the relations between the EU and its rural areas organised in October and December 2013 by Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute and Sol & Civilisation in Valence and Brussels. This Synthesis analyses:

– Rural living by 2020
– Rural living beyond 2020

It is part of a research project conducted by Nadège Chambon and Marjorie Jouen (Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute) and by Guillaume Dherissard (Sol et Civilisation), with the support of the French Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-Food and Forestry, Rhône-Alpes Region, Drôme General Council and the EU Committee of the Regions.

Podcast and collection of interventions of the Valence seminar

Podcast and collection of interventions of the Brussels seminar