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The EU and our collective security: stronger together!
The people of Europe are facing a multi-faceted security challenge that they need to confront together. They need to place their “collective security” at the very heart of the EU construction. The Jacques Delors Institutes takes a stand.
The people of Europe are facing a multi-faceted security challenge that they need to confront together now more than ever before, whatever the outcome of the British referendum. They need to place their “collective security” at the very heart of the European construction, underlining their recent progress in the field but also framing it within a mobilising global vision.
Jacques Delors, António Vitorino, Pascal Lamy, Enrico Letta and Yves Bertoncini take a stand in this Jacques Delors Institute’s Viewpoint which focusses on 3 main elements:
1. Placing collective security (back) at the heart of the European construction
2. Making the best use of Europe’s collective security tools
3. Strengthening Europe’s collective security architecture
Their conclusion is that every country in the EU should contribute to strengthening our collective security, and that includes the United Kingdom, which will participate even better as a full member of the EU. Where security and numerous other global challenges are concerned, in any event, David Cameron is absolutely right to highlight the fact that we are “stronger together”!
This Tribune was published on EurActiv.com, HuffingtonPost.de, HuffingtonPost.fr and HuffingtonPost.it.
It is also available in href=”https://www.institutdelors.eu/01123050-L-UE-et-notre-securite-collective-plus-forts-ensemble.html” target=””>French and href=”https://www.institutdelors.eu/media/eukollektivesicherheitdelors-vitorino-lamy-letta-bertoncinijdibjuni16.pdf?pdf=ok” target=”_blank”>German.
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