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The Nobel Prize, then what?
The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the EU has sparked a mixture of enthusiasm and of criticism which needs to be put into perspective: it is the purpose of this Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute Viewpoint co-signed by Yves Bertoncini and António Vitorino.
The award of the
Nobel Peace Prize to the EU has sparked a mixture of enthusiasm and of
criticism which needs to be put into perspective. This is the purpose of this Viewpoint of Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute by Yves Bertoncini and António Vitorino, which is based on three main complementary
1 – It is right to
welcome the historic job of reconciliation initiated by the European
2 – The euro zone, set up to consolidate peace, is more
than ever a factor for stability.
3 – We now need to move on from “peace in
unity” to “unity is strength”.
The European
elections in June 2014 will be a key moment in this perspective, 100 years
after the start of “World War I” – which was also one of the last great episodes of carnage on
European soil, thanks to the founding fathers’ political genius.
Declining birth rate in Europe

The war in Ukraine:
what are the consequences for European organisations?

European Confederation. A much-maligned concept

Marine Le Pen might be about to wreck the eurozone

L’Irlandais Paschal Donohoe reconduit à la présidence de l’Eurogroupe

Il y a vingt ans, l’arrivée des premiers euros

« L’hétérogénéité croissante de la zone euro menace sa cohésion »

Pourquoi la sortie de l’euro n’est plus un slogan politique

Andreas Eisl: «Les euros ont permis de comparer les pouvoirs d’achat»

L’impression tenace de s’être fait berner sur les prix avec l’euro

Two decades on, euro can’t shake reputation as price driver

L’euro, une construction encore inachevée

L’euro, une construction encore inachevée

“J’espère que l’Europe entière va éliminer ses frontières dans les semaines qui viennent”

“We have to reshape a transatlantic community”

European challenges in 2020 : Green Deal and enlargement

The Brussels Briefing of the Financial Times has taken a look at some of our ideas for the new European Commission

Nel cuore pulsante dell’Europa: Acquisgrana e Maastricht alla vigilia del voto

Pas plus que le commerce n’adoucit les mœurs, l’intégration économique n’a aucun effet sur l’intégration politique

« L’Europe ne s’est pas arrêtée, elle continue à se construire, pas toujours aussi vite et aussi bien qu’on pourrait le souhaiter »

Comment parler de l’Europe en France ?

L’Europe à l’épreuve de la mondialisation

La mia esperienza nella scuola che si interroga sulla nostra Europa

Voyage au cœur de l’Europe

L’Académie Notre Europe : un parcours civique européen pas comme les autres

L’Académie Notre Europe, un Erasmus politique gratuit pour les 18-30 ans

The future of the European construction – Enrico Letta on Monaco Channel

The Europe of tomorrow – Sébastien Maillard on Radio Vatican

“Make Europe Great Again” – Enrico Letta on RFI

The relaunch of the European construction – Enrico Letta on RTS

Why is Europe named Europe ? – Sébastien Maillard on France info junior

What future for Europe ? – Enrico Letta on LeMonde.fr

The impact of the German elections on the relaunch of the European construction – Enrico Letta dans Le Temps

“Angela Merkel’s leadership in Europe will be determining” – Enrico Letta in Télérama

The relaunch of Europe and T. May’s discourse in Florence – Enrico Letta on LCI

The French-German relaunch of the European construction – Sébastien Maillard in Reuters

The Euro Area reform – Enrico Letta in El Diaro

The Franco-German relaunch of the European construction – Enrico Letta in Les Echos

The issues of Europe in a global world – Enrico Letta in Le Temps

Analysis of the political situation in Europe – Enrico Letta in La Vanguardia

The European project and l’Académie Notre Europe – Enrico Letta on Figaro Live

The political situation in the EU – Enrico Letta and Sebastien Maillard in the JDD

The relaunch of Europe and Italy’s role – Enrico Letta in La Stampa

The strengths and the weaknesses of the EU – Yves Bertoncini sur France Culture

The role of the European integration – Jacques Delors in The Guardian

The eurozone reform and what the EU can do better – E. Letta in The Federalist

A budget for the euro area ? – Eulalia Rubio in La Croix

Enrico Letta in Primapress about the European issues

Yves Bertoncini in Atlantico about Emmanuel Macron and the relaunch of the EU

Yves Bertoncini on BFM TV about the principal issues of the June 22nd-23rd European Council

Yves Bertoncini on France Culture on the relaunch of Europe in times of Brexit

Enrico Letta on Arezzo Notizie for the Europe Day

Yves Bertoncini on France Inter “9 mai, fête de l’Europe : a-t-on vraiment envie de fêter l’Europe ?”

E.Letta, Y.Bertoncini & P.Lamy in HuffPost: “Français et Européens, plus forts ensemble !”

Enrico Letta in BergamoNews about the euro crisis and the migratory phenomenon

Yves Bertoncini on RFI on the 60 years anniversary of the Treaties of Rome

Pascal Lamy in La Dépêche: “Il faut intégrer davantage la zone euro”

Enrico Letta in Les Echo: « Je suis optimiste pour l’Europe en 2017 »

Yves Bertoncini on France Info: Où en est vraiment l’europhophie en Allemagne, PaysBas et Hongrie ?

Yves Bertoncini in Sud Ouest: “Les Français sont francosceptiques avant d’être eurosceptiques”

Enrico Letta on l’Occidentale – Orientamento quotidiano on European news

Pascal Lamy on France Culture: “La voie européenne”

Yves Bertoncini on Radio Radicale: The EU and its crisis. An opportunity per a relaunch

Enrico Letta in Corriere della Sera: “Roma deve stare nella locomotiva dei Paesi fondatori”

Enrico Letta in Avvenire: Noi europeisti contro i sovranisti

Yves Bertoncini on France Culture to debate on the future of the EU

E.Letta, Y.Bertoncini & alii on Euractiv.de: Die Europäer und Onkel Trump – Chancen und Risiken

Enrico Letta, Yves Bertoncini and some members of our BoD in Le Figaro on Donald Trump’s presidency

Enrico Letta, Yves Bertoncini and some members of our BoD in El Pais : Los europeos y el tío Trump

L’orgoglio di essere cittadini europei, the declaration of our 2016 ESC in La Stampa

“Yes, we are Europeans!” The declaration of our 2016 European Steering Committee in Le Figaro

Enrico Letta on Radio Vatican: “la conscience européenne doit renaître”

Yves Bertoncini on RTS about how Europe can and must get through Trump era

Enrico Letta on ilgiornale.it: “La più grande rottura dopo la caduta del Muro di Berlino”

Enrico Letta on Avvenire.it: «Trump non è Reagan, molti i rischi»

Enrico Letta in La Stampa: «Trump un candidato perfetto per l’antipolitica di oggi»

Jacques Delors in L’intellettuale Dissidente: “Rottamare l’europeismo ideologico”

Enrico Letta in Forces Magazine: “Pour une Europe renouvelée”

Enrico Letta in L’Obs: “Revenir à l’État-nation, c’est perdre la boussole”

Pascal Lamy on EurActiv.com: How to overcome Europe’s big disconnect: Lessons from a crowdsourcing exercise

Enrico Letta in La Stampa about revival of the European Project

Enrico Letta on Public Sénat : Euro, terrorism, migrants, Brexit

Enrico Letta in Challenges about the state of the European Union

Pascal Lamy in La Stampa about the challenges that face european construction

Our debate on the European Union’s political future in Public Sénat

Our report “Repair and prepare: growth and the euro after Brexit” in Géopolis

Our report “Repair and prepare: growth and the euro after Brexit” in Financial Times

Pascal Lamy on Le Parisien Magazine: “Faut-il sauver la peau de l’euro ?”

Our report “Repair and prepare: growth and the euro after Brexit” in Deutsche Welle

Our report “Repair and prepare: growth and the euro after Brexit” in Les Echos

Our report “Repair and prepare: growth and the euro after Brexit” in Il Sole 24 Ore

Enrico Letta in La Stampa : Fare in fretta, siamo ancora impreparati in caso di crisi

Our report “Repair and prepare: growth and the euro after Brexit” in Reuters

Antonio Vitorino on Observador : Socialistas em busca de nova “arma secreta” para o combate à desigualdade