
Think Global – Act European III (TGAE III). The contribution of 16 European think tanks to the Polish, Danish and Cypriot EU Trio Presidency.

Think Global – Act European III (TGAE III). The contribution of 16 European think tanks to the Polish, Danish and Cypriot EU Trio Presidency.

Think Global – Act European (TGAE) III

The contribution of 16 European think tanks to the Polish, Danish and Cypriot EU Trio Presidency.

Report – directed by Elvire Fabry, Notre Europe, June 2011.

 Report ­ [en]


 Key Recommendations[fr] [en]



Download an article [en]


TGAE Article published in the European Union Common Market Review n°550, July- August 2011
«Renforcer l’action de l’UE par une réforme audacieuse de la PAC et de son financement» by Nadège Chambon, Notre Europe[fr]

Presentation of the report on the 15th June 2011 in Brussels at the Egmont Institute: programme and synthesis of the debates.

Presentation of the TGAE III report [ video ]

The 16 partner Think Tanks >>


Editorial Committee:



Other partners:


The project was supported by the