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Transatlantic market and WTO-related issues
Notre Europe, Paris Office-German Marshall Fund of the US and Europeum have organised the first Advocacy Event of the Transatlantic Policy Forum on 17 December 2008 with a presentation of the first recommandations of the Task Force.
The trade relations between the EU and the US have no equivalent in the world, with integrated economies and huge cross-direct investments, in particular. The trade relationship between the entities has nevertheless been spotty during the last decade. Discussions regarding an EU-US free trade area initiated by Commissioner Brittan in the 1990s and briefly revived by Chancellor Merkel in 2007 have only led to somewhat symbolic decisions.
Even modest trade facilitation agreements, such as the 1998 Agreement on mutual recognition of standards, have not been fully implemented. Since 2001, the two entities have often appeared more as enemies than partners in the Doha negotiations. Since the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) they have had numerous disputes over agriculture, steel, aircraft, services, taxation systems and various regulations. Other disagreements, not brought to the WTO, have also been numerous. Several of them have led to a bilateral compromise that is still considered as unpalatable by one of the parties (e.g. the “open skies” agreement, public procurement in the military sector, etc.).
In the agricultural and food area, many problems persist, even though many issues look relatively minor and technical when put in perspective with broader transatlantic geopolitical interests. The EU clings to high tariffs and regulatory restrictions in sectors of importance for US exporters such as meat and maize. Both the EU and US agencies impose de facto bans on imports of some of the other party’s agricultural products because of SPS (sanitary and phytosanitary) regulations. Many issues regarding intellectual property and mutual recognition of processing techniques remain unsolved.
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AmCham Confidential

Hamburg, 16 November 2018 – FOTAR 2018 : Transatlantic Environmental Policy

Paris, 6 November 2018 – Trump mid-term, is the worst still certain?

Brussels, 16 October 2018 – EU trade policy in 2019 and beyond

Paris, 21 September 2018 – Trump, Brexit and the new challenges of European trade policy: is the European response adapted?

Beijing, 26 March 2018 – Will the World Fight a Trade War?

The Hague, 25 January 2018 – Managing Globalisation – EU Trade Policy in the Trump Era

Nicosia, 22 June 2017 – Trump’s “America first” policy and European interests

Paris, 1st June 2017 – America and Europe on the 70th anniversary of the Marshall Plan

Le Chesnay, 20 May 2017 – Trump and the future of the European trade policy

Paris, 5th July 2016 – Will TTIP and CETA help SMEs to get into the US and Canadian Markets?

Paris, 14 June 2016 – TTIP: a dangerous project or a partnership for the future?

Paris, 19 April 2016 – Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – TTIP : Myths and Realities