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Triggering European politics to reinforce the Community method

Miguel Maduro takes a stand in the debate on the Community method launched by Notre Europe. After an analysis of the roots of the Community method’s crisis, he suggests to politicise more the Union and the Commission, by proposing a system comparable to semi-presidential regimes, he calls it “semi-federalism”.

| 05/10/2012

Miguel Maduro takes a stand in the debate on the Community method launched by Notre Europe.
He first analyses the roots of the Community method’s crisis, he attributes to two fundamental reasons. First, the institution that most embodies this method (the Commission) is under challenge, especially because of the creation of the office of President of the European Council, which plays a key role in times of crisis. But the Community method is in crisis for another reason, which is linked to a deeper crisis of legitimacy of the process of European integration.
He then suggests to politicise more the Union and the Commission to create a more genuine European political life, and, in the process, protect and reform the Community method. He recommends in the first place to “transform” the elections to the European Parliament into an electoral competition for the government of Europe, so as to promote transnational politics
He proposes a system he finds comparable to semi-presidential regimes, and calls it “semi-federalism”.