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Turbulent and mighty continent. What future for Europe?

Giorgio Garbasso summarises some key ideas of Anthony Giddens’ last book, which provides an analysis of the state of the union and of its future challenges. Giddens suggests a federal leap and to rethink the European project as a community of fate.

| 28/03/2014

In his last book Turbulent and mighty continent. What future for Europe?, Anthony Giddens provides a far-reaching analysis of the state of the union and its future challenges. According to him, democracy and leadership deficit is the structural problem of the EU and should lead to take a leap forward towards a federalist solution and a rethink of the European project as a community of fate.

Giorgio Garbasso summarizes a few key ideas of the book:

1. Conflict and interdependence: a community of fate
2. Legitimacy, leadership and democratic institutions
3. Strategies for growth
4. Risks and opportunities: climate change, migration and social Europe
5. Conclusion: towards which federal Europe?