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What political union for Europe?

We publish the synthesis of a conference-debate entitled “More integration, more politicization, more differentiation?”. After a keynote speech by Simon Hix, the speakers discussed what kind of European political union we are likely to see emerging from 2013 onwards.

| 29/01/2013

Notre Europe – Jacques
Delors Institute
publishes “What political union for Europe?”, the
synthesis of a conference-debate which was organised in cooperation with Policy Network, the Polish Institute of International Affairs and Sciences Po.

Simon Hix, Professor of
European and Comparative Politics at the London School of Economics and
Political Science delivered the keynote speech. After that Olivier Rozenberg,
Associate Research Professor at the Centre
d’études européennes of Sciences Po moderated a panel discussion
between three researchers: Valentin Kreilinger, Research Fellow, Notre
Europe – Jacques Delors Institute
(Paris) ; Agata Gostynska, Analyst, Polish
Institute of International Affairs
(Warsaw) ; and Renaud Thillaye, Policy
Researcher, Policy Network (London). The conference-debate ended with
concluding remarks by Yves Bertoncini, Director, Notre Europe – Jacques
Delors Institute

Valentin Kreilinger synthetises the four
main topics that have been discussed:

1. Does the EU need more integration?

2. Does it need more politicisation?

3. Does it need moredifferentiation?

4. Does it need small modifications or an ordinary treaty revision?