Elvire Fabry is a Senior Researcher in Geopolitics of Trade at the Jacques Delors Institute and Rapporteur of the Working Group on EU-China Relations. Her current focus is on economic security, trade negotiations, EU-US and EU-China relations, investment, value chains, global governance, WTO reform and Brexit.
She is a member of the Board of CEPII – Centre d’Etudes prospectives et d’information internationale (Paris), the Policy Advisory Committee of the GMF – German Marshall Fund of the United States (Paris), the Scientific Council of the Real Instituto Elcano (Madrid), and the Editorial Board of the Futuribles magazine (Paris). She was a member of the Jean Monnet Network on transatlantic trade policy (2020-2024).
After working for the European Commission’s Cellule de Prospective (1995), she joined the Futuribles international foresight analysis group, then became a research fellow at the Robert Schuman Foundation (2003), before becoming director of the Europe – International programme at the Fondation pour l’innovation politique (2005-2009) and joining the Jacques Delors Institute in 2009.
Elvire Fabry holds a doctorate in political science (IEP – Paris) and master’s degrees in philosophy and international relations (Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne) and was an auditor at the 64th ‘Defence Policy’ session of the IHEDN in 2011-2012.
She is Colonel of the Citizens’ Reserve of the French Air Force.