Jérôme Vignon is adviser at the Jacques Delors Institute. He graduated from the École polytechnique and the École nationale de la statistique et de l’administration économique.
He spent the first part of his professional life in various public services (Regional Mission of the Pays de Loire, INSEE Program Department, Commissariat du Plan), before returning to Jacques Delors’ cabinet in 1981, in charge of macroeconomic issues and the economic situation.
He accompanies Jacques Delors in Brussels, which led him to create and lead the Forward Studies Unit of the European Commission until 1998. After two years at DATAR as Director of Strategy, he returned to the European Commission where he was successively in charge of a white paper on European governance, then director of protection and social integration in the DG of Social Affairs.
Since 2011 he chairs the National Observatory of Poverty and Social Exclusion (ONPES). In 2015, Bernard Cazeneuve entrusted him, with the prefect Jean Aribaud, with a mission to find outlets for the situation of migrants in Calais.
As an associate member, Jérôme Vignon is also a member of the Board of Directors of several social organizations: the Habitat et Humanisme Foundation, the Jean Rhodain Foundation and the Semaines sociales de France.