External contributor

Philippe Cattoir

Administrator at the DG BUDG at he European Commission

Philippe Cattoir holds a Ph.D. in economics (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain). Administrator at the European Commission, he works on the preparation of the next multiannual financial framework in DG Budget after dealing with EU taxation policy in DG Taxation and Customs Union. Before working for the Commission, he was advisor to the minister-president of the Brussels-Capital Region (Belgium). As an economist specialized on fiscal federalism and public finance, he also worked in various research centres. His publications in the area of public finance and federalism include “Fédéralisme et solidarité financière. Etude comparative de six pays”, Editions du CRISP, Bruxelles, Septembre 1998, and “Tax-based EU own resources: an assessment”, Taxation Papers, N °1/2004. He is currently invited professor at the Institut d’Etudes européennes of Université catholique de Louvain and Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis (Brussels) where he teaches on the EU budget.