
Nice, 5 October 2018 – Changing Europe: citizenship, European integration, the EU and cross-border regions

| 05/10/2018 | 10:00 > 12:30 |
Conférence |

As part of the Citizen Consultations on the Future of Europe, which take place until October in France and throughout Europe, the Trans-Border Operational Mission, the Jacques Delors Institute and the European Movement of the Maritime Alps invite citizens to a consultation in Nice on the EU and cross-border regions.



The 90 students of Lycée Masséna in Nice (France) and Lycée Aprosio in Ventimiglia (Italy) can exchange with Jean-Marie Cavada, MEP (ALDE). The themes of employment, training and mobility in the cross-border area and in Europe are specifically addressed as part of a wider debate on the future of the European project.

09:30 Welcome of the participants
10:00 Opening of the citizen consultation by Laurence Navalesi, Councilor at the Nice-Côte d’Azur Metropole and secretary of the MOT and Enrico Ioculano, Mayor of Ventimiglia
10:15 Exchanges between young people and Jean-Marie Cavada, MEP
12:30 Cocktail

For more information: meam06.om@gmail.com or quenehen@delorsinstitute.eu

The 90 students of Lycée Masséna in Nice (France) and Lycée Aprosio in Ventimiglia (Italy) can exchange with Jean-Marie Cavada, MEP (ALDE). The themes of employment, training and mobility in the cross-border area and in Europe are specifically addressed as part of a wider debate on the future of the European project.

09:30 Welcome of the participants
10:00 Opening of the citizen consultation by Laurence Navalesi, Councilor at the Nice-Côte d’Azur Metropole and secretary of the MOT and Enrico Ioculano, Mayor of Ventimiglia
10:15 Exchanges between young people and Jean-Marie Cavada, MEP
12:30 Cocktail

For more information: meam06.om@gmail.com or quenehen@delorsinstitute.eu

Centre universitaire méditérranéen, 65 promenade des Anglais

