How to (re) create the conditions for European solidarity and strengthen the feeling of belonging to the EU? Sofia Fernandes, senior research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, participates in this conference of Letters at the Sorbonne.

This conference is part of the line drawn by the French President Emmanuel Macron in his speech at the Sorbonne on September 26, 2017, when he called for “a true solidarity chosen, organized and concerted” to ensure the sustainability of the project European Union of Peoples. Through an interdisciplinary analysis of the concept of solidarity, the aim of this conference is to define the terms of a more solidary European governance. This conference is held over two days, October 2 and 3, 2018.
Sofia Fernandes participates in the second day, dedicated to the current challenges of European solidarity, and more specifically to the conference on the topic: a social and fiscal harmonization would it be a solution to the lack of solidarity? This conference is held from 8:45 to 10:00. She works alongside Gaëtan Nicodème, Head of Unit at the European Commission, within the Taxation and Customs Union DG and Fréderic Allemand, Coordinator of the EIS Department at the Virtual Knowledge Center on Europe. The meeting is moderated by Véronique Auger, journalist, presenter of the show “Avenue de l’Europe” on France 3.
The full program of this conference is available via this link.
The event is free, upon registration.
This conference is part of the line drawn by the French President Emmanuel Macron in his speech at the Sorbonne on September 26, 2017, when he called for “a true solidarity chosen, organized and concerted” to ensure the sustainability of the project European Union of Peoples. Through an interdisciplinary analysis of the concept of solidarity, the aim of this conference is to define the terms of a more solidary European governance. This conference is held over two days, October 2 and 3, 2018.
Sofia Fernandes participates in the second day, dedicated to the current challenges of European solidarity, and more specifically to the conference on the topic: a social and fiscal harmonization would it be a solution to the lack of solidarity? This conference is held from 8:45 to 10:00. She works alongside Gaëtan Nicodème, Head of Unit at the European Commission, within the Taxation and Customs Union DG and Fréderic Allemand, Coordinator of the EIS Department at the Virtual Knowledge Center on Europe. The meeting is moderated by Véronique Auger, journalist, presenter of the show “Avenue de l’Europe” on France 3.
The full program of this conference is available via this link.
The event is free, upon registration.
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