European elections: What form of cohabitation between France and the EU?
This Tribune by Yves Bertoncini explains that the result of the European elections in France and in Europe on 22-25 May teaches us three major lessons at both the national and the Community level.
This Tribune by Yves Bertoncini explains that the result of the European elections in France and in Europe on 22-25 May teaches us three major lessons at both the national and the Community level:
1. The Right in government has lost ground and the Left in government is treading water, both in France and in Europe as a whole, to the benefit of eurosceptic and europhobic parties
2. The National Front’s lead singles France out and weakens it in Europe
3. The new European Parliament’s decisions will continue to rest on the variable-geometry majorities set in motion by the conservatives and the socialists and democrats under the europhobes’ gaze
So all in all, the European election has opened up an era of cohabitation not only between majority pro-European forces and minority europhobic forces, but also between France and the other members of the EU in areas extending well beyond the mere arena of the European Parliament.
This Tribune was published in the French edition of the Huffington Post
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