Blog post

Opening Financial Data: A Threat to Solidarity and Consumer Protection in Europe

By Jean-Philippe Dogneton, Chief Executive Officer, MACIF, Pervenche Berès, MEP from 1994 to 2019 and Benoît Hamon, President, ESS France

The Strategic Agenda 2024-2029, published by the European Council at the end of June, recalls that “The European Union (EU) was founded on the imperative of ensuring peace in Europe, based on cooperation, solidarity, and shared economic prosperity” — values championed by Jacques Delors and upheld by the Institute he founded, which I have the honor to preside over today. In its current form, the project for a new framework for financial data access (FiDA) poses a significant risk to the principles of mutualization and solidarity, threatening to exclude the most vulnerable populations from access to affordable and dignified insurance coverage. Sometimes, it is urgent to take the necessary time to avoid adopting an imperfect text in undue haste, which is hard to justify. This is the message conveyed by this position paper, the result of a long-standing collaboration between the Jacques Delors Institute and MACIF.

Enrico Letta, President of the Jacques Delors Institute

How to ensure optimal protection at the fairest price and solidarity among insured individuals and the preservation of financial data confidentiality? The new FiDA regulation, proposed by the European Commission in the summer of 2023, clearly does not provide a reassuring answer to this issue. By undermining the principle of mutualization, which is at the heart of the insurance system, and European sovereignty, it poses major risks that urgently need to be widely exposed and questioned.